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crappie crippler

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About crappie crippler

  • Birthday 01/19/1973

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crappie crippler's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. The silence is deafening. Nevermind. I'll stick with the other guys.
  2. As I stated, you have a theme for each one. It will vary. Most are 1/8 oz. or smaller crappie type jigs. Has to be something simple. Not everyone makes 3/4 oz. bass jigs.
  3. I'll take a 10" goggle eye any day. Lots of "muscle" in that compact body. Best creek fight there is!
  4. I am a member on another fishing website that holds a "jig swap" once in awhile. What happens is, everyone who enters (usually stop with first 20) ties a jig. If 20 people are signed up, you tie 20 jigs all the same. Each of the 20 people make 20 jigs of their choice but all 20 are the same. Lots of "20's" in there!! Mike makes red/white/blue and Dave makes green/purple/orange. But 20 of them. One person is assigned the "swapmeister". When your jigs are finished, you mail them to swapmeister with a postage paid mailer inside of your mailer. Large bubble mailer with smaller bubble mailer inside works well. When all entrants jigs are received, you will get back 19 jigs. Each one tied by someone else. Sounds confusing but very simple and lots of fun. You can have a theme such as perch jigs, shellcracker jigs, favorite jigs, etc... And if you are serious about tying jigs you get lots of neat ideas from the others. Swapmeister keeps the spares for having to go to post office. Anyone want to try it?
  5. Hey Quill... how many times have you heard "trout line"??
  6. Plug- A term often used by Greybear to describe a fishing lure Biggun- A term used to describe the size of a fish ( varies depending on who tells the story) Wait a sec, are Ozark and Redneck the same thing???
  7. I did not play her too much after I saw that it was something I had never caught before! While taking the hook out, she was spurting tiny marble sized eggs everywhere. Hope there is a boy in there somewhere. I have fished at Roaring River a few times over the years and caught one trout. Not much into it, but since catching them at Hickory I've been studying up on them a bit!!
  8. It was a great day. Even if the fishing is slow it is fun to show the youngun how the creek flows, where the minnows gather, good holes vs. bad holes, etc... Always a good time! Tyler is finally at the age where he actually pays attention and does not start chucking rocks midway through a sentence. Ozark: I had to ask one of the other guys watching us if it was a brown. First one I had caught! Did not measure it, but around 10". They do have a posting for browns. 15" is min. length limit. Other than that I have heard of very few other browns being caught there.
  9. Took the boy back to wade Hickory since the big snow melted today. Did not fish too much but was rather disturbed at the amount of trash on the bottom of the creek. Where does this come from? I have been to the creek on several occasions and never see anyone littering. Together we pulled out about 25 beer cans, 2 whiskey bottles, several 2 liter pop bottles, 40 oz. beer bottles etc... For such a beautiful park it is very disappointing to see all this garbage. I see it on the larger creeks and rivers as well, but not so heavily concentrated like on this small creek. I do not have any answers, but I will bet that the majority of the trash comes from non fishermen. Whoever is responsible should be ashamed. I spoke with one gentleman near the ball fields that told me the history of Neosho, the park, the Indians, the caves, the Confederate soldiers, arrowheads, honey holes, and plenty more. Another young lady was picking up trash as I was tossing cans to her up on the bank. She had a bag full in no time. Many good folks use the park area but it only takes a couple to ruin it for everyone. I hope the upcoming cleanup effort will be worthwhile. I look forward to it!
  10. Off the subject a bit here Buzz... what kind of flies do you tie? Would like to see some
  11. JD: I am going to share my Spaghetti Incident story in the short story column. Look for it tomorrow evening. It does involve a snake and is quite humorous looking back on it now. However, at the time I could not see the humor in it!
  12. I would like to come help with the cleanup. I noticed a few of the areas when I was there last weekend. Can I just show up or do I need to be a member of the stream team?? Have a couple youngun's that could help too.
  13. Thanks Steve, I appreciate the info. Will check it out if the weather cooperates soon. Not looking froward to 35 degrees and snow coming in Saturday! Hopefully this will be the last cold shock. But, I look for one around the 2nd week in April. Always messes with the crappie spawn around here.
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