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Allen R.

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Does anyone know what the water temps and clarity are, I'm visiting home for the holidays and thought about visiting Pomme. Anyone been bass fishing lately?
  2. My thought on that is the worm is probably the most versatile bait and can be fished any time of the year. I will say with all the rock banks on Stockton, I'd probably be throwing a jig more often right now, but once the fish pull out, I opt for a worm.
  3. I think you can always catch them on points at Stockton. I fished this past Saturday, and it was tough, but caught most my fish on points in the clear stuff north of the twin bridges. There were several swimmers, but I've had a tough time getting any kind of a bottom bite for bass. It's been fun though catching them on the jerkbait, I finally have confidence in that bait, took me a while, haha.
  4. I fished USA Bassin' as well, and yes, it was tough everywhere. I spent most of my time in the clearest stuff, and saw two 3lb smallies surface near my boat in 25 ft of water on two different spots. The fish in my area were just cruising around and weren't on the bottom. The only thing I could get bit on was a jerkbait. We managed to get 4 keepers, but it didn't come easily. Hopefully the rain will pick up, I'm still surprised the jig bite has been so off.
  5. Nice. I went out today and fished all over the lake. I had a hard time getting away from the shorts though. I'm still baffled the AIA tournament had a weight of 27+ lbs. I fished several types of water, and never came into the big girls.
  6. We'll be heading down from Kansas City. I have no choice but to come down this weekend. I'm with a group, so this isn't a "fishing trip", but I was going to try to get out for a while.
  7. I will be coming down for the weekend to Eminence. I've never been down there or to the Current River. I would like to do some fishing. I will have my waders, fly rod, and spinning rod. Does anyone have any recommendations for access points? Would I be better served fishing for smallies (I love me some smallies) or trout right now. Any information would be helpful. We'll also be near the Jakcs Fork, would I be better off fishing there? I'm not asking for specific spots, just for some guidance for someone who's never seen the area to help get me started. Thanks.
  8. I will be coming down for the weekend to Eminence. I've never been down there or to Jacks Fork. I would like to do some little fishing. I will have my waders, fly rod, and spinning rod. Does anyone have any recommendations for access points? Would I be better served fishing for smallies or trout right now. Any information would be helpful. We'll also be near the Current River, would I be better off fishing there? I'm not asking for specific spots, just for some guidance for someone who's never seen the area. Thanks.
  9. Just wanted to thank everyone again for the information. We camped at Kyle's Landing and had a great time. The water was low there, not very floatable as noted, but deep enough to enjoy. We hiked on Indian Creek bed with a couple people we met and had a good time, though we had a hard time finding the trail to take us to the Eye of the Needle. We ended up floating lower river below Tyler Bend as recommended. The river was slow and enjoyable, and the fishing was actually pretty good over there (nothing big). We floated 4.5 miles starting at Spring Creek. On our way out, I stopped at Crooked Creek for an hour or so and caught a good amount of smallies on a tube. What a great creek, I'd love to fish that from a boat some time. Thanks again for the helpful information.
  10. Thanks everyone for the info. My wife just informed me that there are black bears in that region, and she has a funny fixation/phobia of bears. Have any of you guys ever encountered a black bear down there? Are there any precautions that you guys take? I'm trying to convince her we still need to go down there because it sounds like it's very beautiful.
  11. Thank you all for the responses, I appreciate it. So, are we crazy for camping out there this time of the year? I don't exactly want to put myself in a tic infestation. What's the water like below Tyler bend? Meaning, is it class I type water (like I said, we're newbs). And so it sounds like I might be better served fly fishing for trout vs. smallies (anything on a flyrod is fun). Any recommendations on an outfitter for the checking on the Tyler bend area? Thanks again for your help.
  12. My wife and I will be making a trip to Eureka Springs next weekend. Prior to that we were wanting to camp for about 3 days. We were thinking about going to Kyles Landing. I've never been to the Buffalo, is it even floatable right now/this time of the year? We'd like to do some hiking, smallmouth fly fishing (if there is good water), and do a small float if possible. Any information about good fly fishing sections and floatable water would be very helpful. What is the water like on the river, we are not very experienced floaters (floated the Kings once, that's it), but are wanting to learn. Thanks.
  13. Schockly32 (and anyone else requesting more information), I think you should try looking at reports from the past, you'll see exactly what you're requesting. http://www.google.com/#q=site%3Aozarkangle...;fp=Xmf0jJ9P_V0 Marty usually gives pretty solid information that is detailed just right. I've spent most of my life bass fishing (only 28 now), and for my birthday, my wife and I went bass fishing with Marty last fall. Both he and I caught some quality fish. My bass club just had a night tournament this past weekend, and well, here are the results (I'm Allen Riddle by the way): http://raytownbassclub.net/ I fished a lot of the spots that Marty showed me, on top of that, he showed me some places on my map. I understand your question, and you've made it very clear you were not trying to be a jerk or anything. I just wanted to post something about this to anyone still reading because Marty has put in a lot of time over the years on this forum and I would recommend any bass fisherman that would like to learn about Stockton to book a trip with him. I'll probably go out with him again sometime, it's fun to fish with fellow wormers, especially when they bring fried chicken on the boat.
  14. Well, I guess I'll answer my own question since nobody else was able to. My wife and I drove down to Pomme this morning from KC to enjoy a day on the water. We went way down the Pomme river and the lake appeared to be a couple feet high. We went probably a couple miles past the bridge (don't know the name of it). The water was very muddy with a lot of current. I've heard there are smallmouth on that river. I'm wondering how far down you have to go to get to where some smallmouth live and if it's possible without a jon boat. We had a nice time, wish it was warmer though. I fished for a little while in one of the creeks on the main lake for about 20 mins, and caught a load of largemouths, so that was a nice ending to the day. The water temp was mid 60's and it seemed like the fish had finished spawning.
  15. I'm speaking about the river that actually flows into the lake (sorry, dunno if that is "above" or "below" the dam), so the river that's south of the lake, haha. Thanks.
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