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Everything posted by troutchaser

  1. What would it take to get TU involved? I'm sure it would involve reactivating the local chapter - if it's not too late . . .
  2. What's this about dredging? I think I must have missed something somewhere. What prompted this post, P-Lilley?
  3. Awww . . . You never let me have any fun!
  4. Brings new meaning to "poached eggs," eh? I'll bring the toast . . .
  5. Can anyone recommend some good spots to wade and fly fish outside of the trophy area? I really enjoy C&R, but I want to take some trout home for dinner.
  6. It's been my experience that the trout just don't hit much for about two or three hours following generation. I've discussed this with several buddies, and we've got two theories. First, generation stirs up all sorts of food sources and the fish will gorge themselves silly and then rest when the water slows. Kind of like we would do on Thanksgiving. Second, the higher and faster water current makes them tired. They just want to find a nice place to rest for a little while. These are just theories, but they make great excuses for not catching fish when the water is dropping.
  7. Yup. I just pinch it at the length I want and then tear the marabou off. The individual strands just pop off where you're pinching it. It keeps the tips naturally ragged, which improves the action of the marabou. By the way, what size and color are you tying?
  8. I suppose it boils down to whether Rockaway Beach's economic welfare is worth the risk of opening up our waterways to development by those whose main concern is the almighty dollar. People who think water quality is a choice between Dasani and Avaya. People who think fish come from the freezer aisle at Sav-A-Lot. I'm sure there are on-the-water casino owners who are highly concerned about the environmental impact of their business. But I'm also sure that there are more who aren't concerned at all. I'm not willing to risk ruining a local treasure for all the money in the world. I vote no. Don't allow gambling to come into the area.
  9. SilverMallard, I just want to make sure your idea is clear to everyone. Your message seems to convey the idea that Rockaway Beach has a high crime rate already, so there would be no harm in a floating casino. One point I would like to address from your message: If the current law enforcement system is already overwhelmed, what would be the effect of a casino on this already stressed infrastructure?
  10. Whassa MOAT? I know how to rope a goat. I know how to row a boat. I can even zip a coat. But I can't tie a MOAT.
  11. I really like to use cracklebacks. The best body colors I've found are Chartreuse and Yellow. Red is supposed to be great, but I've never had a lot of luck with it. Here's a quick & dirty recipe for you: Hook: #16 Dry Thread: Black 8/0 Body: Floss, Chartreuse, Yellow, Olive, Red Peacock herl Hackle: #16 hen hackle in Furnace (Black with Rusty tips) Tips: Wind the peacock herl and thread together after tying in. It keeps it from unwind on you when (not if - when) the peacock herl breaks.
  12. Some people need a school to teach the basics of this sport. I've found, however, that finding a good fishing buddy willing to share information and experience is the best teacher. I've learned more this fishing season from my friend and coworker, Tim, than I've learned in the 3 years prior. Best of all, I didn't have to pay him for it. I just offer to drive when we go, maybe buy him a Frosty at Wendy's on the way home.
  13. It seems to me that most of the other towns in the lakes area are doing O.K. except for Rockaway Beach. Are they truly suffering, or are they just envious of Branson's revenue? Also, why is gambling the solution? There are a lot of ways to bring revenue into a town. Gambling can't be the best option.
  14. Hispanic, eh? If they're there on Saturday morning, I'll be sure to say something to them like "Lance los pescados! Usted no puede guardarlos aquĆ­." (Release the fish! You can't keep them here.) SURPRISE! That lousy language excuse will only work for a little while. Now, if I could just remember those Spanish swear words . . .
  15. The first thing I would suggest is to spend time on the water and be real friendly. When I first started, I would occasionally tell people I was new at the sport and asked them what they were using. The response was almost always kind and helpful even though 90% of the time I didn't have what they recommended, but I would keep it in mind and go home to tie some up. Second, I would highly suggest that you make friends with another fisherman who might just be looking for the company. I'm always open to going with someone on a given Saturday. (Email me from the members button above) We're a friendly bunch, willing to impart our knowledge of this sport. Warning: you'll probably have to sift the nuggets of wisdom out of the stories and bragging, but there's good information in there. Third, and most important to me, please don't shuffle. It's simply bad form and poor sportsmanship. Shuffling is standing in the lake and shuffling your feet to stir up the sediment, then dropping you fly in the water at your feet to catch those silly fish that follow you around. You'll see a few people doing that, but if you look, you'll see several other fisherman staring hard at them. Unfortunately, shufflers are usually too unaware of what's going on around them to notice the disapproval. Flies I would be SURE to have: Olive Soft Hackle #16, #18; Cracklebacks in bright green, red, yellow, #14, #16; Griffith's gnat #18; Red Brassies when they run water; Brown/Olive Thread Midge #20, #22 (yes, #22!). Hope this helps.
  16. At least you know when the arrow is coming at you. Ever been hooked in the chin by a wayward-casted #20 Blue Wing Olive?
  17. Hey, Thanks! I appreciate the information. Maybe I'll look at Rio next time I need a new line. To get back to the original purpose of this thread, I'd like to mention that one of the best things I ever did for my fishing skills was to show up at Taneycomo one day and just started fishing. I would talk to the guys and gals around me and tell them I was new at it, and I had half a day of free instruction. If you're open about wanting to learn, fly fishers are a helpful bunch, for the most part.
  18. I want to resurrect this topic and see if we can get some interest stirred up. I would be interested in serving - not just joining - a group like this. I attended the Springfield Chapter of FFF, and I was not impressed. I made the effort to introduce myself and get to know some of the group. They came across as arrogant and snooty. Perhaps I met the wrong people in the group; I don't know. Anyway, I know that earlier this month I had a discussion with a friend of mine on our way to Taneycomo, and we decided we would like to join the TU in Branson. At the time, we thought it was an active group, but I guess we were wrong. I'm hoping we can get it going again. We're going back down tonight, so we'll talk about it some more. Is anyone else willing to bring this club back or start a new one?
  19. I'm confused. I thought Rio lines were made for the windy conditions found in Idaho and on the Salt Flats. Wouldn't they be a bit stiff and heavy for the warm, humid, still air of our local climate? I'm not arguing, just curious. I prefer my Wulff triangle taper. I put it in the same category with Krispy Kremes, a good medium-rare steak, and Jennifer Lopez's figure -- ain't nothin' else like it!
  20. I have to add my voice on this one. Champ mentioned that the MO Water Patrol made an informal request to demo below the dam. What would it take to make this a formal request? I fish exclusively above Fall Creek, and I know that boats ripping through that area is a BIG safety concern for me, not to mention that it would really ruin the shallows. We already have the lack of a mayfly hatch to deal with - we don't need a ruined subsurface, too. Am I alone in my concern, or have others thought/acted on this issue?
  21. I've been lurking here for some time, now. I began to feel kind of like that weird kid in high school who never talked to anyone. Anyway, I'm a novice fly fisherman. I've been a meat tosser since I was a kid. I have some great memories of my dad taking all of us kids (5 of us!) to the donut shop on Scenic Street (in Springfield)where my sister took half an hour to choose a glazed donut (aaarrgggghhhh!!!). We'd drive to Taneycomo, eat our donuts and share milk from the old Thermoses. You know the ones - they looked like red plaid? We'd take over one of the little fishing docks, pull out our bag of marshmallows and can of corn and catch our limit of trout. I have two kids of my own now, and I'm carrying on the tradition. The donut shop is gone; there's a strip mall there now, so we stop at Hardee's for a breakfast biscuit - and my daughter takes 15 minutes to decide on egg and cheese - and then it's off to Bennett Springs or Taneycomo for some trout. Other times we go to Fellows Lake for Crappie and Bluegill and ham sandwiches. The reason I'm here is to try to tap the collective wisdom of those who have used fly tackle for a while and gain a little knowledge to help me along the learning curve as I pursue this new obsession of mine.
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