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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. I too am interested in Dardenne Creek. There is access just across the street from my son's house. Unfortunately MDS I think is doing some work there right now. Matthew Peaslee, if you send me a PM there are a number of small creeks just across the river in the "west-ish" STL area that I will share with you. Joe
  2. Very nice!!! I am considering a 686 as well. I usually grab my Steffen 8'6 7/8wt. The Epic 686 might be as close to an all around upper Current glass stick as they come.
  3. Great report! Can't wait to get back out!
  4. Very nice! That streamer has a lot of movement. I tied up a few mini D&D's to try this week, substituting marabou for the tail. Saw this fattie come out of a root wad to hit it.
  5. With all due respect, I once again disagree. If one can hook and land a Tarpon, GT, Muskie, etc.. on a fly one can do the same to any brown on the Current.
  6. Sorry, but treble hooks are inherently more dangerous to trout intended to be caught and released. 3 trebled jerkbait = 9 points plus barbs, assuming one doesn't smash down their barbs. The chances of pinning a trout with more than one hook in say the gills or throat is substantial. Trout are most definitely more fragile than other predatory species i.e Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, Pickeral... I'm not naive and as long as MDC regs says it's okay than I will live with it. I realize that even practicing C&R with single barbless hooks causes fatalities. I'm all in for that. Maybe, just maybe one person or a couple of people can effect change.
  7. Thanks for the report. I too don't get the "gotta trophy" mentality. Perhaps I'm too old and cantankerous, but I try to tell folks that if they want to catch a 20" brown they have to let the 18" fish go. Treble hooks on trout? Don't get me started on that one either. C&R versus C&K is a fine line to maintain, and one that should not be drawn in stone. It is a line that needs to be constantly re-evaluated year over year and regulations need to be fluid and when necessary changed quickly in order to maintain balance. That said, this is Missouri... Getting ANYTHING done that involves legislation in this State is going to take forever. I selfishly believe that Blue Ribbon trout waters should be "fly fish only" and strictly C&R, two hook barbless rig maximum. It's not going to happen, but I would love to see it.
  8. I'm also guilty of this!
  9. The Laser dub is absolutely great stuff. Those large heads push a lot of water and look great. The only problem is that the stuff goes quick. Since starting to use the stuff my dubbing costs have quadrupled, lol! I am also using it for the outer body/carapace on my crayfish pattern.
  10. I'm hopeful that these will turn a few nice smallies for me this year. "Cheech's Low Fat Minnow" Hook: Gamakatsu SC17 1/0 Thread: Danville 210 white Tail: White marabou plumes stripped from quill Under body: 4 turns of white/pearl cactus chenille, then white marabou plumes stripped from quill followed by 4-5 turns of orange palmer chenille (med.), finished with a clump of olive marabou plumes stripped from a quill. Outer body: Olive Senyo Laser Dub and white tied on the top and bottom of the shank then folded back and lashed down to create the "head" Eyes: CCG 6mm set and covered in Loon "thick" and "flow" UV resin Paint job: Letraset markers, black, bright orange and sky blue I've fished these in smaller (2) sizes for trout on a floating line. When dead drifted they shimmy like a jointed Rapala. Tie them on with a loop knot. A small strip or a bit o' English from the rod tip and this thing dances. I really want to get into some bass here soon.
  11. For sale is a like new CBarclay 7'10" 5wt. special edition. The rod is in mint condition. The tube has a smudge on it. This rod features a unique cigar grip that is very comfortable and has been built with Bellinger down locking NS hardware. Mildrum stripping guide and original Snake Brand snake guides. The rod is wrapped in chestnut colored silk at the guides with java silk tipping, ferrule and cork. Tube and sock included. This rod would list at $590.00 if you ordered one today. It is being offered at $425.00 plus shipping CONUS. PayPal preferred + fees. Please email or PM with your interest. Thank you.
  12. I'm digging that streamer! Buck tail or synthetic?
  13. Very nice indeed. Thanks for sharing!!! Really nice fish.
  14. Gavin, I measured as best as I could off the photo and came up with between 20 - 21" Outside edge of the hoop to the inside edge is 15" I believe. If I am wrong please don't correct me lol!!! I don't want to know. I agree that presentation trumps selection, though size and profile are important too.
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