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About jwpage

  • Birthday 11/17/1971

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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. Thanks for the advice and euro recommendation. I am new to tightline style and am hooked. The black hopper looking fly you subsequently posted, that would be fished as a dry or is it not a hopper?
  2. Nice looking flies. I'm looking at making a trip in November. If you don't mind, what are a few good patterns and sizes to use and also, do you guys ever use indicators or do you tightline? Thanks in advance.
  3. I'll be staying in Eureka from 6/30 - 7/2. I was wondering if I could get some advice on possible getting some fly fishing in and where, hopefully close to Eureka.
  4. Is it for sale?
  5. Snagged in Outlet, thanks for the advice. Kayak_Runner, please forward to him for pictures. Thank you.
  6. I'm looking for a good used 2 man boat. Makers like Buster Boat, Bass Tracker and Coleman. Would like to spend $500 or less with a trailer if possible. Thanks.
  7. I'm not sure of the exact date but several months ago Marval stopped having trout stockings from the Department of Wildlife thus eliminating the need to let licensed fisherman enter the river from their property. They do not own the river in their section but they do own the land up to the river, assuming a certain amount of dry land for easement. I would assume that the land owner, mentioned above, is in the same situation. Regardless of whether they own both sides of the land parallel to the river, they cannot own the river nor the determined easement. It is still public land in the river and their is nothing the "land" owners can do about it. Not 100% sure but seems logical considering similiar situations up and down the river.
  8. Duffy was a great guy and a big help. Thans Phil for running the special. Certainly makes it more affordable to stay in a first class room for those of us on a budget. John
  9. We stayed in Room #9 from Sunday Feb. 3 through Wed Feb 6 on the fishing buddy special. Thanks for putting this on Phil. We had a great stay and as always, your staff and facilities are top notch. Sunday Feb 3. Got to the room rather late in the evening so we didn't fish the first night. Monday Feb 4. Got up early and went out on the dock about 6am. Raining and overcast and about 30 something. Used a small white roster tail. Came up with nothing. Switched to powerbate, pink and white. Had a small 1/8 oz egg sinker above a barrell swivel and then below about a 24" leader with a #10 hook. Caught a couple of 12 - 14" rainbows. Later, I grabbed the flyrod and went to the darn. Geared up with 6x tippet and a #12 olive wooly buggar. Didn't get any hits. Asked a guy that was just leaving what he used and he gave me what looked like a #12 buggar that had silver, purple and red tinsel for the body. The head was red gloss. Real showey. Well, I tied it on and I caught 3 before I lost it on a strike and run. After that I tied everything I had on and nothing. Called it a day and headed back to lillys. BTW, It turned off nice and sunny. Tuesday Feb 4. Got a late start and headed back to the darn around Noon, about the time they shut the darn back down. The sun was up and in the 50's. Went to the upper parking lot. Tied on a #18 black zebra midge with an indicator. Fished for a couple of hours. Not a single strike. I moved up and saw a real nice, retired couple fishing the outlet, don't know the number or anything. He said they were striking on a #14 brown zebra midge dressed in gold ribbing and tungsten head. Thanked him and his wife and tied on. Started catching fish. Maybe 6 or 7. Lost the midge and decided to head up for lunch. After lunch, moved to the lower parking lot and tied on a #14 tan crackle back, that I bought a couple of years ago during Lilly's clearance sale. This below an indicator. Went down a bit from the outlet as it was busy. Didn't get a single hit, seems to be a consistent beat here! There was an older guy standing up from me, dressed in waders but not in the water. Decided to ask him what he was using as he seemed to have some much needed wisdom. His name was Duffy and priveledged to have met him as I found out afterwards that he is pretty well known. Anyway, he was more than gracious to impart some knowledge to me and the nuances of Taney. He tied on a weighted gray scud #14 and a #14 red butt soft hackle about 3' below that. About 2' above the scud an indicator. All this on 5x tippet. Started roll casting from the bank about 6' out and letting it drift. Fish on every drift for about 2 hours till just about sunset. Great day! Called it a day and headed back for lilly's and home the next day. All in all, this was the best trip I have had to Taney. It always amazes me the comradery and the willingness of fellow flyfisherman to give advice and open their flyboxes. I have a lot to learn about flyfishing and correct fly selection but I feel I learned a lot this weekend especially the seemingly minute differences in flys and how they can change a day. Thanks Phil and Lilly's Staff for another great stay. Tight Lines! John
  10. Nice to hear that your posting your eloquent prose about your flyfishing experiences. As a newbie to flyfishing, I rely on your reports. Tight lines! John
  11. Thanks for the report. The next time I am up there, I am definately taking my fly rod. Tight Lines!
  12. Thanks fellas for the offer. I will definately let you all know and would welcome your insight and wisdom. John
  13. Phil, thanks for the video. Watching your video, I realized many errors I made while drift fishing. John
  14. Perchjerker, Thanks for the offer. I will look you up when I go back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. First of all, I would like to thank Lilley's for a great trip. The hospitality and accomodations are top notch and I would would recommend to anyone. A while back Phil offered a "Fisherman's Special" on here. I booked for 2/19 - 2/22. I was in room #3. I would like to fulfill my obligation to submit a fishing report. First a disclaimer. I normally flyfish exclusively but as I have had several issues with my back and shoulders I did not for this trip. It was very painful but I fished with POWERBAIT! I arrived on Sunday 2/19 around 5 pm. By the time I got settled in and did some grocery runs, I settled in and didn't fish. On Monday 2/20, I got down to the docks around 9 am. I used a lightweight spin cast reel spooled with Stren Low Vis 4 lb green line. I took a 1/8 oz bullet weight and had it above a barrell swivel so the line could slide easily. I then tied a 3 foot section of 5 wt flurocarbon leader with a #12 egg hook. I used fluorescent green powerbait eggs. As the current was very swift I had trouble keeping the bait in contact with the bottom. No bites! Around 11 am they turned the water off and as the water slowed the bite picked up. I caught 4 rainbows in the 10" - 13" range. Nothing spectacular but fun to catch. After about an hour of that, the water was basically still. I didn't catch anything the rest of the afternoon until the water turned back on around 4 pm. I managed to catch two more in the 13" range. Then the water was too swift to even make contact with the bottom. On Tuesday 2/21, I used the same setup as the day before and fished off of the dock from about 7am till about 10am and didn't have a single bite. The water was shutting down at 11am. My family and I rented one of Lilly's pontoons for the afternoon. We started out on the boat around 12 am. We floated down from Lilley's to the bass pro in branson. I used the same set up except that I shortened my leader to about 1 foot. We drift fished with the powerbait over the side the whole time and managed to catch 3 rainbows in the 13" range. A little dissapointing but that is fishing for you. Like I said, I am more confident with a fly rod, but it was a compromise. We got back to the dock at around 5:30 pm. As the water was starting to run real swift again, I didn't fish the rest of the evening. As I was leaving on Wednesday on 2/22, I didn't fish. Overall, I had very good time. As I am not real familiar with Taney, in fact I live in Owasso, OK, I believe that was the major contributing factor in not fairing better. I have now been to Taney 3 times and have not really done well. I guess I just haven't gotten the hang of it. Either way, I enjoyed the experience and will be back. Again, thanks Phil and Lilley's! Tight Lines! John
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