The Woodsman in the mall in FT. Smith has all kinds of info and flys. They are a true fly shop; just check them out. They are the nearest fly shop I know of to Greenwood. Thanks James
ok- this is going to play in HD. If you want to see it NOT in HD, go to and look at it in my videos under phillilley.
Awsome trout. also good video Phil. Enjoyed it a lot Thanks James
Hey Sam I'm Glad that like to the You Tube video helped. I have not got to try the split shot hook yet myself. I did just get back from the bait shop and bought some. That might be a small help with the Clients Bill, don't know. James
Yamaoto has a split shot hook they say does that very thing. There is a video somewhere on you tube about it. I think they mention pilling bait out of the throat and getting corner of the mouth 99% of the time. It just might work. James
Sounds like a very intresting day . I went looking for white and stripers here on the Dardanelle Thurs. all I could find was very small stuff. Don't know where the quality fish are either. I sure enjoy reading your posts. Bill I hope to get a chance to go out fishin' with you someday to see those fish come after lure in the depth finder. Thanks James
I've never fished the Illinois but stopped by the to look on my way to Tulsa. Abot 10:00 this morning talked to a boat taking out at the corp. northside park Two guy (not Flyfishing ) had a chest full of large strippers. Said the largest was about 25lb. The had been fishing live shad thay said. I don't know a thing about fishing there but I did see the fish. Ha Jim