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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. What kind of water temps are you seeing?
  2. I was able to get out yesterday afternoon for a little while. I put in at Hickory creek and went up War Eagle. About the 3rd or so bend past the Point 12 sign, I saw fish busting shad on top of a large flat. I caught around 30 white bass in the next hour. When I would cast closer to the bank I would catch 12-14" Kentuckies. Was a lot of fun. Most of the whites were football shaped or smaller males. I had one I wasn't sure what it was and it was the only one I took a pic of. I brought 10 of them home and will enjoy them tonight.
  3. I took a couple of shots at Hickory Creek today. After all the high water we had for a couple years it is really strange to see the water down so low. Ramp Ramp marina
  4. I got out there at 3:45pm and got the last parking space.
  5. I did make it out to Swepco for a few hours yesterday. I caught two solid 15" fish on a split shot rig. It was my first time over there and I will be going back.
  6. Well thanks to the stomach bug that is going around, I had to play chauffeur Friday afternoon. And then got sick on Saturday. Will try again on Wednesday. Thanks for the replies.
  7. I might be able to sneak away from work a little early today. Where would you go?
  8. Hickory Creek park launch is closed. You can launch at the marina. On Sunday I could not get up to Neils bluff because of ice.
  9. I heard Bass Pro might go in a little further south, Springdale.
  10. RPS sounds like you had an awesome day. One quick question for you. With all the wind we where having here in town(NWA) how was the water? If that makes sense. Slight chop, flat.....?
  11. I was able to slip out for a few hours with my son last night. We put in at Prairie Creek and motored towards Rocky Branch. We went all the way back to the south ramp to check things out. We arrive up there around 7:15. Not much going on in the back so we headed back out to the main lake to look for birds. After 20 minutes or so the little man was getting bored. I had caught one 15" Kentucky and that was it. So the little guy puts his Pop'R directly behind the boat 20-25ft as i trolled along and it was on. The next 25 minutes was one white bass after another. As soon as he would land one and get his lure back out it would take a minute maybe two at the most to catch another one. He finally put his pole down and said his arms were burning. We decide to head home so mom wouldn't be mad as it was a school night. Just wanted to say thanks to Fin and Feathers for pointing us in the right direction.
  12. Can you buy the Keitech baits local?
  13. Has anyone tried the restaurant at Hickory Creek Marina?
  14. I think it is Across the Creek or something like that.
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