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Everything posted by CrappieMagnet

  1. I own a 93' Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo.It has 311,644 on it.I am the 2nd owner of it.I bought it with 28,000 miles on it.The only thing I've had a problem with it is...I had to put a fuel pump in it....the mechanic told me not to run the fuel down so low ( below a quarter tank ) and it won't happen again.It has a big V8 in it and has great pulling power and it's a very comfortable ride.Power everything.The only thing I dislike about my Jeep is the leaky aluminum rims.Got to put air in the tires every 2 weeks.Jeep is a great vehicle.Look how long the Postal Service and the Army used them! I'm driving mine till it dies.....than I'm going to buy another one. Good luck with any vehicle you decide to go with.
  2. Man made Crappie Condo's Just curious..Has anyone thought of making them and dropping them on your favorite crappie hotspots?
  3. Here's what I dug up for you all.Happy to have good friends on other websites. http://mdc4.mdc.mo.gov/Documents/22.pdf 1st paragraph...page 30 Pretty much explains it all. Now if they were to just appear...who can say diddly?
  4. I think dock shooting is one of the best tactics a crappie fisherman can have if he can master it without sticking himself with the hook. I buried hooks to the bone trying to learn how to do it,Troutnat.Trying to explain how to do it on paper is gonna be way hard....So I'm opting to throw up a video to help explain it to the fisherman here...and maybe some questions can be answered afterwards.I looked around on the net and came up with this one from Mr.Crappie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WrXZOd5Asc...feature=related and this one from legendary Ernest Paty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVb2HDrfAYg
  5. I also use Fireline charcoal colors for Minnesota and Wisconsin waters and for ultra clear waters I use Power Pro.I rarely use more than 4 lb. test except when I am fishing in heavy weed or heavy brush, and stump covered shorelines...than I will bump it up to 6 lb. test. For my dock shooting rods I use http://www.fishinfreaks.com custom rods in the 6 1/2 foot rod using a St.Croix rod blank.I also use a 5'3 Fenwick HMX S53ML Spinning Rod for shooting docks,bottom jigging,and slow retrieves presentation.
  6. Sorry guys...was gone for the weekend winterizing my RV camper up in NW Wisconsin. I get a lot of my jig tying material,jigs and hooks from various places around Minnesota and the net.I'll share that with you all and see if you can also materialize more in your tackle box from it. For calf tail hair I get it from both Gander Mountain,Cabelas,and Joe's Sporting Goods around the Twin Cities here.For jigs and hooks I tend to either go to http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/ and Stamina Tackle at http://lurepartsonline.com/cart.html and http://www.tackleunderground.com/ and here are my other resources of where I inquire at for different kinds of tackle. Apex Tackle Corp 120W 8th Street Depart.CRP South Sioux City,NE 68776 (402) 494-3009 Bait Rigs P.O.Box 44153 Depart.CRP Madison,Wisc 53744 (608) 256-3232 Bass Pro Shops 1935 S. Campbell Depart. CRP Springfield,MO 65898-0123 1-800-BASS PRO Betts Tackle P.O.Box 57,HWY 42 West Depart. CRP Fuquay Varina,NC 27526 (919) 552-2226 Blakemore Sales P.O.Box 1149 Depart.CRP Branson,MO 65616 (417) 334-5340 Blue Fox Tackle 645 N. Emerson Depart CRP Cambridge,MN 55008 (612) 689-3402 Cabela's 20200 Rogers Drive Rogers Mn 55374 763-493-8600 Charlie Brewer's Slider Co. 511 E. Gaines St. Depart CRP Lawrenceburg,TN 38464 (615) 762-4700 Gammills Fishing Tackle P.O.Box 136 Depart CRP Oak Grove,LA 71263 (318) 428-4431 JWA Fishing Marine( formerly Johnson) 222 Main St. Depart CRP Racine,WI 56001 1-800-227-6432 Manns Baits 604 State Docks Rd. Depart CRP Eufala,AL 36027 (205) 687-5716 Mister Twister P.O.Box Drawer 1152 Depart CRP Minden,LA 71058-1152 (318) 377-8818 Northland Fishing Tackle 3209 Mill St. NE Depart CRP Bemidji,MN 56601 (218) 751-6723 Southern Pro Lures P.O. Box 358 Depart CRP Brookland,Ark 72417 (501) 972-1378 The only plastics I buy to tip plain jigs are http://www.Lobybaits.com and http://www.gandermountain.com/ There are other places I buy material from to paint the jigs from...but YES I do use powdered paint and heat to paint my jig heads.I also either paint on the eye or use a sticker type eye. Hope this helps some of you.
  7. Welcome to the site Toby.
  8. Good info troutgnat...I agree. I tie my own jigs too.I had to find something to do with my hands once I quit smoking when I got ill almost 4 years ago. But I tend to make my jigs calftail hair body larger in case the crappies want the larger profile....and if I don't get bit...I can trim the body hair down with a sharp pair of scissors.Also I don't put a lot of hair past the hook....maybe 1/8 to a 1/4-inch past the hook. On a side note....most of the companies I prostaff for always make their jig hair longer....and also I think they do because the larger crappies down south tend to prefer the larger profile baits. Thump It Jigs are made out of Hemphill Texas.....on Toledo Bend Lake...and the CrappieRocket jigs are out of Hillsboro Missouri.
  9. Our good fishing starts as soon as the ice comes off the lakes in late April...to early May.I personally hit the waters as soon as I can....and I kinda don't care fishing past the 15th of July.The fishes flesh gets warm and mushy....if I'm going to consume any.Most often I tend to keep fish in the spring,fall and winter months....but hey...to each their own. The only exception would be to fish for walleye's and crappies the further north you go.Seems the lakes in northern Minnesota retains the colder water temps... so I find no reason not to keep them. Good luck when you do decide to go.
  10. Hey Chris....maybe too much slack in your line so you could'nt hook em' when you were sight fishing?
  11. Ozarkfishman....what? It didn't jump off the screen and fart in front of you? Watch it again and maybe it will.......
  12. Sounds like our ice fishing up here....it really does. Sickle hooks are getting pretty popular nowadays.Give em' a try. My buddy Skip will take care of anyone.....wanting to try his jigs.See what he has...if you like em' give them a try. His website is http://thumpitjigs.com/index.html Tell him I sent you..please.
  13. Total solitude....try Crane Lake up in the NE corner of Minnesota for slab crappies and walleyes.....with very little sightings of humans...but bring GPS or you could get lost and end up at the North Pole....just kidding....or Ely...the start of the Boundary Water Canoe Area or the BWCA.....same thing about using GPS or you could end up in Canada.....word of caution....you may need 2 fishing licenses......1 for Minnesota and 1 for Canada.Rainy River is the bordering river between the 2 countries and Rainy dumps into Crane....so that's why you may need the 2. Quetico State Park might also be an option...just depends on how "solitude" you really want to get.You might not see any human for months going there. Another area you might want to try is Lake of the Woods up near Warroad Minnesota.Some people living in the area but the area has potential at some decent trophy fish. Not so gutsy but still want to camp but with people and resteraunts around...try Mille Lacs Lake right in the middle of Minnesota.Trophy walleye,smallmouth bass muskie,pike,perch and crappie all swim in this awesome lake.You could stay at my buddy's John and Patti Odles resort with cabins at http://www.rockyreef.com They even have a web cam you can look at on your way up. If you want more info look me up.
  14. No it's not mine....A friend of mine down in East Texas ties them.A package of 4 sells for $4.95 + shipping. It's a weed body jig.
  15. Honestly the only mosquito's I've seen all summer/fall has been in NW Wisconsin....lol As far as the Coon Rapids Dam goes...I think they should just put some TNT to it. Where did you live up here?Andover? Sorry for being a little sarcastic in my last post 1960.
  16. Hey have you ever tried using a sickle hook jig?They have worked really awesome for me on Table Rock last time I was down that way.I was fishing the private docks on Indian Point down near Silver Dollar City.Crappies were slamming them as soon as they hit the water.Here's an example. They have a half moon type hook style and they are also very deadly on Minnesota lakes.This one is 1/16 oz.
  17. Thanks Sam. I'm just saying in general that's what crappies do here.Every lake is different in some way or another.Locating them is the hardest part.Presentation the next...and getting them to bite is the last.Tactics here in Minnesota are different than on Table Rock or Bull Shoals...but sometimes they do work...given all the different weather patterns....structure...moving water....well lots of variables come into play...in catching crappie. Most anglers down there and up here aren't willing to share their hot spots...GPS coordinates....brush piles...bridges to any angler...so giving them some kind of reference to what crappies eat,and locations on how to find them not only in natural lakes,reservoirs,rivers or streams is what I was trying to do.Not everyone can catch crappie....there were lots of days where I could'nt put together a pattern for catching them...that's the way it goes some days especially after a cold front goes by....but hey...that's why they call it fishing. If someone here can use a tip from you or I...hey to me..it's worth my time for sharing it......Just my .02 cents worth.
  18. Walleye Patties 2 cups cooked flaking walleye 1 cup cornflake crumbs 1/2 cup.... sliced green onions 3 eggs,divided 1 tablespoon sherry 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/3 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup seasoned dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons vegetable oil In a medium mixing bowl,combine fish,cornflake crumbs,onions,1 egg,the sherry,Worcestershire sauce,sesame oil,salt and pepper.Divide mixture into 6 equal portions.Shape each portion into 1/2-inch thick patties. In a small mixing bowl,lightly beat the remaining 2 eggs.Place bread crumbs in a shallow dish.Dip patties first in eggs and then dredge in crumbs to coat. In a 10-inch skillet,heat vegetable oil over medium heat.Add the patties.Fry for 2-4 minutes,or until golden brown,turning over once.Drain on a paper toweled lined plate. Serve with lemon wedges,tarter or cocktail sauces.
  19. I'll see if I can add something to the forum here. Fish the wind. If there is no wind, fish structure. If the wind is coming out of the NW, fish the SE corner of the lake. Phytoplankton and zooplankton gets blown around by the wind. The minnows usually feed on these micro-organisms. If you can find the minnows the other predator fish will be close to them.Follow the food chain. Also if there is an island,fish the windswept side first. Fish the deepest weedline. The deepest weedline is usually around the 11-15 feet range,however the weedline could be deeper or shallower, depending on the body of water. If there is no wind, seek structure. Good areas are docks bordering deeper water. A tree that's in deeper water. Poke jigs in and around the branches. You can also look for suptle changes and hooks in depths. Crappies are attracted to any areas that have hooks and corners in depth and in northern bays in the springtime. The sun warms up the northside of any lake first. Look for muddy bays,creeks...etc. Try verticle structure. Bridge pilings comes to mind. Dock legs also. Transitional areas are also fish magnets. Bullrushes, rocky shorelines and weedlines are great examples of transitional areas. Look for areas that have two characteristics together. Sunken islands and humps are fish highways and the fish may use these from time to time, sometimes even for food. Table Rock Lake is a reservoir.....and very deep in alot of areas that make awesome crappie habitat.Crappies can be found suspended,tight to cover,or anywhere in between.Try fishing the cedar tree tops and other hardwood trees found throughout the lake.Try fishing around suspended docks,riprap,and also around the many resort docks that are everywhere throughout the lake.Now that it's late fall down there...try fishing in the many creek arms shallow.Use baits that resemble insects,shad, and bluegills.White/red combo jig colors...blue/white....yellow/white....green/white.....chartreus/white....all can be productive. If the water is cold....use jig sizes all the way down to 1/100th oz....for tight lipped slabs.The warmer the water the bigger the jig size.Same goes with minnow style lures.Small minnow styles could be a small floating Rapala Shad Rap....or a 1-inch Yo-Zuri Snapbean in silver color.Move around....don't stay if you are'nt catching anything.Give a location 20 minutes tops...than move on. Any other questions...just ask.
  20. Hey Cricket...I bet if you go to any lake and throw a wiggly old worm on your hook....you could probably catch the required amount of bluegills and crappies for this recipe...however I don't know about the other guy.....lol Good luck and good fishing
  21. Just made up a fresh batch of this killer Chowder for dinner tonight. 1/4 to 1/2 pound bacon....chopped 3 to 4 green onions....including the tops 1 large leek....chopped 1 onion....chopped 1 carrot...sliced 3 stalks celery...chopped 2 cloves garlic...minced 3 potatoes(medium to large).....diced 3 turnips(medium to large).....diced 1 1/2 to 2 pounds bite-sized crappie or bluegill 2 large cans evaporated milk This recipe is quick and easy to make. Brown bacon,leek,onion,carrot,celery,and garlic. Add turnips and potatoes. Cover and steam mixture. Put in crock pot, add crappie...or bluegill and evaporated milk. Cover and cook on low until potatoes and turnips are tender. Stir and eat. Total time depends on how long you steam the potatoes and turnips. Usual time is about three to four hours. You also can leave the vegetables raw and let them cook all day. If you don't like turnips,substitute potatoes. However, the turnips add a zesty flavor. To make the night before,add all ingredients except the crappie/bluegill and store in the refrigerator. The next morning add the crappie/bluegill and cook in a crock pot on low.
  22. All i can say about this thread is "I hope you find what your looking for". Just be sure to check your DNR about transporting of fish from one lake to the other.....just my .o2 cents worth
  23. Well all I can say is I'm very happy that Branson is only a short 10 hour drive south of me.
  24. Pop Crackle Crappie 2 pounds crappie fillets 2 cups crushed Rice Krispies 1 cup of beer crushed red pepper to taste salt and pepper to taste Crush Rice Krispies in a sealable plastic bag,then pour crumbs onto a plate or cutting board.Dip fillets in beer and than roll them in the Rice Krispies crumbs.Season to taste with the crushed red pepper and salt and pepper.Fry until golden brown.
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