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wtr dogs

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Everything posted by wtr dogs

  1. Real Slow. Had a lady trolling a split shot and live nightcrawler. Not even a bite in 6 hours??????That was last Tuesday.
  2. Hit the water at 6:15 with Josh and wife. Boat back in barn @12;00 noon.. We trolled about all level and type of crankbaits from .3mph to 3mph with the wind at our back. We bottom bounced slow death rigs from 12 - 25 ft @ .5 mph. My best guess is the thermocline is about 23 ft. The only thing that let the skunk get of our hands were 2 bluegill one of which was caught on the GLUP SLOW DEATH ARTIFCIAL. YESTERDAY WAS GOOD FOR A SUNBURN! HEY, THANKS FOR THE INFO ON THE WIND SOCKS.
  3. wtr dogs

    Finally !

    Bob: I need a receipe for drum. A couple of 4 to 5 pounders on crappie noodle rods. yesterday was a Tough day for the kind of fish we were looking for. DRUM ROLL PLEASE! PS. Josh was with me. Ron
  4. Zara I had two of those days the 14th and 15th when I went up to get the boat and 5th wheel ready for some serious fishing. SEVEN different things didn't work with the worst being the broken PVC sewer pipe or maybe not being able to get my microwave door open to cook my instant meal. My Dr. asked me why my blood pressure was up the following Monday and my reply was for him not to let me touch him or he would turn to feces too. Looks like it may warm up some for Easter weekend, but I try not to fish that weekend because bad things usually happen. Hopefully we can get together and strap on our life jackets go out and catch some Fish together.
  5. Thanks for the replies. I was looking at the natural color night crawlers (pinched, 4 and 6 inch) at BPS and they had a new one called the twister. Where I am located on the north end of the lake you almost have to go to Fair Play to get live bait.
  6. Has anyone had luck with any of these?? I have tried the minnow replicas with little results. Size and number of bites when we ran out of real minnows. They have several new ones including a pinched nightcrawler.
  7. I look foreword to the results you get from your quiery. About 15 years ago a fishin buddy had a home brew in a spray bottle. ????Anise oil+WD40 +garlic+?. Gosh it worked on TR that day with worms,tubes and grubs.
  8. What a difference a couple of days make. Crossed 245 bridge/lake was as smooth as glass except for the shad swimming on both sides/ Nothing was chasing on either side.
  9. i went down to Crabtree ramp to just look? Talked to a couple that had just come back in. No luck and when the guy he got snagged and broke off when trolling HE GOT SEASICK WHEN TRYING TO RETIE!
  10. Justin: Private RV campground just north of 32 across the road from the east end of dam. Crabtree cove and walking trail for swimming and launching area.919 803 9896 State Park is nice also and no launching fee
  11. Sent you a PM
  12. Suprizingly, Some real lunkers (walleye) come out of Tablerock. Most are caught by bass fisherman. I have seen several in freezers and witnessed one caught over 13lb. I have not fished the Bull.
  13. Like Zaraspook, I am glad everything went safely and hope to make the next one!
  14. I love the deep fried Uncle Buck method, but to keep the ole colesterol levels in check I have tried these two methods which are tasty. Leave the skin on the walleye fillet-soak in lemon juice-season with lemon/pepper and grill skin side down until fish is "flakey" The other method is to microwave the fillets covered in lemon juice/with lemon-pepper @ 4 minutes/pound. Seems to work well with crappie fillets. Like RPS makes me hungry and I need to catch more to fillet
  15. NWTF: Do you have a GPS? Handheld/ phone or depth finder to determine speed? As the water temp raises so can your trolling speed. Powerdive and RPS have been very helpful with their posts. If I can make the 7/1 get/together, hopefully I can share some info with you. Or possibly we can fish together. In the meantime get your 40HP to idle and run at its slowest RPM. Good Luck and be Safe
  16. WAY TO GO DALE!!! FROM WHAT I HAVE HEARD HE HAS PUT MOST OF THE CURRENT GUIDES ON THE FISH!!!!!!!! We were there about this time of year and the Whole resort was occupied by well wishers of their 50th. Only met him a couple of times, but have a world of respect for him.!!!! Ron
  17. SH: Down around Crabtree Cove/dam it was 23/28 ft not real defined./ Ron Appreciate your posts!
  18. Josh/ Justin/????: I have launched at both Cedar Ridge ramps, The one nearest the 245 bridge and the one in the Corps campground area and i am not sure which one has the swimming area. Do you possibly mean the fishing dock in the cove near the 245 Ramp? Courtesy! ????
  19. I want to see this happen .BUT: Sunday, keeps a couple of my fishin buddies away. The Sunday before the 4th Holiday could be a ZOO and please consider Zaras's concerns! I was not able to meet @ 800 PM due to other commitments! I am in favor of weighing in ANY LEGAL FISH-CAUGHT WITH ANY LEGAL METHOD! NO DYNAMITE!! Does anybody have scales for the weigh in?? Is Mr, Lilly going to provide weigh inn bags? Again, I want to see this happen!! About 32 years ago I was involved in organizing the Shrine International Bass Tournament Which had raised over $300,000.00 for the Shrine Hospitals before I started judging AKC hunt tests in 2001.. I don't know how much$$$$ they have raised since. That tournament is based out of Shell Knob,MO We don;t need to hurt our goals by not prior planning! Ron a again, I want to see this happen
  20. Justin; The UGLYSTICK :yuush: lol Ron
  21. Hey, I enjoyed fishing with Fishbait3. Second time in a row my partner has caught more keepers than me. 9LB, The whitecaps were trying to put us in the rocks. Had a hard time getting the boat on the drive on trailer
  22. Fishbait3 is currently at the picnic area closest to Stockton State Park Marina.The thumbnail that Zaraspook put on is the parking lot. You need to turn right prior to the parking lot and follow road around to the far right of the thumbnail. I think there is sign pointing to the picnic area. The wind blew me all the way back to Rogersville.
  23. Jason: I don't think there is a picnic area in Hartley, They have even removed the OUTHOUSE. I am sure Josh Will Clarify. We might want to invite MDC and Boat Patrol officers. We were coming into Crabtree a couple of weeks ago and noticed the HP/BP parked on the ramp. A sailboat had broken loose on the ramp caused the fisherman in Ranger to jump for his life. The owner had to swim out and retrieve his boat. The swimmer was our Boat Patrolman and his PRISTEEN 2003 RANGER HAD BEEN DEMOLISHED. He was concerned about getting the Real value from his insurance Company . Hopefully, the Sailboat company will see him compensated. Just fyi! Ron
  24. OK. I must confess i havn't learned to use my GPS. Are you talking about the covered picnic area near the Stockton State Park Marina, ( boat accessible) or the boat Ramp in Hartley Cove???? For those of you that can't make it, you are automatically elected officers Ron
  25. Dennis: I like your legal multispecies weigh in. Why not include catfish be in a separate category? Where is the sign up and when????? SOUNDS LIKE FUN. RON
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