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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. My Fila Skeletoes died on my last trip of 2019 and I'm looking to grab something with no holes in the sole for rocks to wedge in, something with ankle support and something durable. Give me some suggestions please. I can't find the Water Tennie that was raved about any longer and I was hoping to go that route.
  2. Well, I'll try to use my current rods for the techniques I'm thinking of and see how they feel. It's all fun anyway!
  3. Honestly, I know diddly about hull construction for things like you just said. I have to research and learn a bit, but that all makes sense.
  4. What's different about that hull versus, say, a Tracker or Alumacraft?
  5. I like your thinking here. I'd love to pick your brain about boats and motors. Do you keep bankers hours? If so, I may swing out there one day and holler if you had time.
  6. I try not to buy anything with resale in mind as my goal isn't to move it immediately. I'd probably only use it on rivers a few times a year, so a jet, while nice, would be a luxury. Is a jet feasible for use in lakes for fishing? What's the used value of a 25/40? Our best local lake has a 25 horse max is why I'd be set at 25. Is that enough for a 1642 or 48 to get on plane?
  7. Is the difference in draft on a 16 vs a 14 that significant? Again, I'm just asking because I'm curious and needing a boat. For some reason a 1442 sounds like it would suit my needs just fine with a small jet, but would bigger be better with a prop or am I completely wrong here?
  8. Guys, I'm in the market for a small jonboat, something 12 to 14 foot probably. Its primary use would be on small waters near the house in KC, trolling motor or small 15hp prop outboard being the primary propulsion. I'm curious what rivers I could run and how far with this setup, say a 1236 or 1442, maybe 1448. A jet would be ideal, but the cost would be prohibitive up front. I'd be carrying myself and my son mostly. I'm rambling, but I'm looking for something in the next few months. My shoulder won't allow me to paddle, but I can still fish everyway I want to as long as I can access the water. If you have recommendations, rivers, etc, please don't hesitate to post. Thank you!
  9. Common or not, I dig these rods for these uses and I just want them a bit shorter is all.
  10. 3" more off leaves me with 2" of cork on the handle. That's not good for me. Yes, if I must, I will definitely pay to have them redone tip down with quality guides if need be. I really don't mind. These blanks are great for what I'm wanting to do with them. The Falcon has a 7" grip, losing 6" makes it a 1" grip. Again, no bueno. I'd gladly flip someone some coin to knock this out for me.
  11. On the St. Croix, I have cut 3" and it's not short enough for my tastes. I'd like another 3, and the seat moved forward enough to accomodate a 5" straight grip. The Falcon is still stock, but I'd like to do the same to it.
  12. They are if I'm willing to have it done. If I knew the least about doing this, I'd do it myself. I know nothing about removing the old grip, seats and relocating. That's why I asked. Hell, if anyone wanted to walk me through it, I'd gladly listen and do the work, just looking for a good topwater rod and I really like these two blanks for it.
  13. Hey guys, I'm looking to have a couple rods shortened, both to 5'6". One is a Falcon FC-4-16, the other is an old St. Croix Premier 6' M (already cut 3" off). I'd love to see these cut down and get new 5" rear grips put on with the existing seats. The guides should be fine where they are I'd think. Anyone willing to help me out, I'll buy components and pay for your time and labor. Or if you know someone or have suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!
  14. I guess that all makes sense to me. I have some jigs I got from riversmallies that are hair/rubber skirted and I have them with the smallest Zman Batwingz trailer. I'll try those and see what I come up with in a couple weeks. Thanks @Mitch f
  15. Nice fish!
  16. Hey, if you are ever towards Independence, get into Rainbow Fly Shop on 40 Hwy. They're great people and the selection is good too. When it comes to hair jigs, what's the preferred size to stay under or near and is there a trailer profile that seems to work best in cold water? I've never fished hair jigs and would love to tie some up.
  17. Sold, delete please
  18. Nice fish definitely!
  19. Hey all, selling some baits that I don't use. Pricing is listed, spend $20 and I'll cover shipping. Left column- Lightning Pointer 98 SOLD KVD J200 SOLD Megabass Trick Darter $7 Megabass Vibration X Jr SOLD Megabass Griffon Zero $7 Center column- Ima Squarebill $4 Megabass Giant Dog X $7 Lucky Craft Sammy 100 $7 Megabass Dog X Jr $6 Megabass Griffon Zero SOLD Right column- Megabass Dog X Jr Slide Sinker $6 Megabass Dog X Jr Slide Sinker $6 Lucky Craft Gunfish 95 $7 Lucky Craft Gunfish 95 $7 Yozuri 3DB Suspending crank $4 Whopper Plopper 90 $5 3 ZMan spinnerbaits, 3/8oz $12
  20. Delete
  21. Either tie a smaller pattern or just use what you're accustomed to. A smallie is a smallie.
  22. I'm glad you could get out. It's refreshing to escape. Keep on them!
  23. I had a similar experience in that I flipped my Ziggy under the bridge I accessed at and hooked one right after it landed and as the fish ran around, all 12" of it, a 10" smallie latched on the other hook and I almost caught my first double. I always love walking the bait back in and seeing the wakes come after the bait and then kersploosh, it's gone.
  24. Until this year, topwater wasn't my thing. I never used it for lake fish at home, nothing. After trying it in earnest, it's now the first (second and third) option out of my tackle bag. I've really fallen in love with the 80 to 95mm baits in creeks.
  25. Haha, you know it. I've been having too much fun lately.
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