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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. This is a VERY popular line on vintage glass. In fact, I am grabbing a WF6F for my newest acquisition: 8'6" LL Bean (Phillipson) 3pc 6wt glass rod.
  2. The Mountain Home Wally World carries those? Hmm, may swing in while down there for Sowbug
  3. Great fish Kyle. I still need to make it down there, but time and money are not things in great abundance right now, so for now, it waits. Can't wait to hear of more successful trips to Crane!
  4. Well, the rainbows may spawn with some success in the Current, but I haven't heard of browns spawning in Missouri. If they are, that is good news for us.
  5. Wow Nice fish! John, I will be visiting you at Sowbug to pick your brain!
  6. My first flies were ok I guess....granted, I have been tying only for about a month and a half now, but have tied about a dozen Chili Peppers, about 18 krystal flash jigs, and some bead chain Mickey Finns, as well as a few zonker strip bass streamers.
  7. Nice fish!
  8. I think this may well just be a natural course of events, albeit a little accelerated by us and our oil grubbing selves. Whether or not it will have long-term effects on the fish and wildlife in the area is yet to be determined. I pose the question again, how many people on this site that complain about "Global Warming" which has been partly attributed to emissions from vehicles (CO2), yet drive gas guzzlers (SUVs, sports cars, diesels) just to drive them. That is the one thing that amazes me, any time I take a trip to a trout stream, I often have one of the few fuel efficient vehicles there and am surrounded by full size trucks and SUVs and people act like the trip killed them. I normally chuckle to myself and mutter, well, I get 30+mpg. Again, I am off topic, but you understand. If you are not personally doing anything to change it, why bitch?
  9. Ok, I read most of this, and you are wondering about long term effects, or long term predictability? How about the fact that here where I live, we only hit record highs maybe three days all summer, and most of the other record highs were over 50, yes 50 years old. I have a hunch that the oil companies, as well as the automotive industry has a great deal of pull when it comes to fuel efficiency, or vehicles running on ethanol, or water (renewable on its own without much input from man). I have personally seen a car running on water, roughly 100 mpg, but if that science was given to the auto industry, they would give the guy who designed it $100 million dollars to shut him up and keep the oil flowing, just like they did with the carburetor that made an engine eclipse 100 mpg many many years ago. Now, they tell us to be more conservative, but dammit, why keep making these huge hulking monstrosities that get 8, read it 8mpg, not the 14 it is advertised as. What keeps the carmakers from getting 25+mpg from these same trucks and cars? I wonder how many people on this site drive vehicles that get less than 15mpg on a daily basis, and especially those who in this thread have confirmed they are concerned about greenhouse gases and emissions. All of this may or may not equate to "Global Warming" as they have dubbed it, or maybe just a climatic shift as tends to happen from time to time that causes all creatures to either evolve or become extinct. Humans are too darn stubborn and ignorant to be able to evolve, we think we run things here and we have all of the answers, but no. We are just pawns on this planet who keep damaging it further and further. Now, for Hugo Chavez, this is the same man who called the president of the country who pays him billions for his oil "The Devil". Why give that bastard a dime? Let's keep that money and get affordable health care for the 40% of the population who is uninsured. I am one of those, as my employer has their "affordable" health care plans with a $3000 deductible for a family (that is over 15% of yearly income). He runs a corrupt country, and I for one, thought America was supposed to be opposed to corruption...or at least that is why we revolted against Britain in the 18th century. We have enough oil to support ourselves for YEARS. I say, bring the boys home and pack it in. Let the world sort out its problems without the international police, wait sorry...my childhood friends doing crap over in the sandbox they DO NOT BELIEVE IN. No human life is worth oil, or fighting "terrorism" which is a thought, state of mind, an idea that cannot and will not ever be defeated. You will always have some extremist a*holes who want their opinion to be heard, and it's one of the things that makes this country great, well made this country great. We, as a country, spend money tapping our own citizens phone lines, hacking their computers, and arresting and detaining those we feel may be a threat to "homeland security" rather than stopping the drive for roads in the roadless areas of the mountain west, or cleaning up the streams from industrial pollution, or better yet, finding cleaner ways to burn fossil fuels or just use nuclear, water, wind, and that type of power. I have lost a lot of faith in this country to do the right thing, and I feel that we can make a difference if we were to all band together and make our voice heard. I am sorry I got off topic there for a minute, or offended anyone in what I said, but I felt that I needed to hit those topics also, as they are pertinent to this matter in an abstract type of way.
  10. Chris, I drooled over that fish last winter when I saw the picture up on Walt's website. I contributed from the KC side of the state, and now live in Lawrence, KS where there are all kinds of stupic regulations on trout lakes here, have to have a special permit for this lake, or for that lake, as well as your trout stamp, and license, effective from this date to this date...too darn confusing for me!
  11. drew03cmc

    Cotton Bowl

    Take my word on this. McFadden will run for 150+ and will have 3 TDs.
  12. They do stock browns at Capps, but apparently not at Hickory. Also, according to MDC, browns do not reproduce in MO. I would imagine they could if left alone. If we can establish a brown trout reproduction in any stream, that could be big for the state...not likely, but rare reproduction is possible I imagine. A better question on those lines, I have caught 3" rainbows at Bennett and been told by MDC they DO NOT spawn there...
  13. If we decide here, I can try to get it off.
  14. Well, RR is at least kind of a tributary of the White if you look at it under a very large scale microscope so the Brook is a little easier to understand than why is there brown trout in Hickory. They would have to be stocked somehow, somewhere, and trout, do not take to being transported very well, so good luck tracking this explanation down, but it is all very intriguing!
  15. There are some in the lake, as well as whites and wipers. The water is cool and clean enough in the Osage to hold a population of smallies? Not that I doubt it, just surprised.
  16. drew03cmc

    Cotton Bowl

    Did you not see what the OU running game did to MU in the second half? Hawgs by 21. Does not matter what MU does, but Arkansas will win.
  17. SOLD. Thanks for looking!
  18. Crane Creek supposedly has one of the highest concentrations of Eastern Cottonmouths in the state, so that holds true in my book!
  19. drew03cmc

    Mu Vs. Ou

  20. I grew up in Missouri, love MU, but living in the Lawrence area, the Jayhawk fever is contagious. I have to say I did not care who won, but knew MU was by far the better team. The Jayhawks were OVERRATED. They could not tackle, could not throw down field all night, and running...don't get me started. Chase Daniel will be a Heisman finalist when they beat OU. He won that game for MU with smart decision making. Also, what in the he!! was Mangino thinking having his corners playing 15 yards off the line of scrimmage against some amazing receivers? He threw short all night and ripped them apart due to piss poor tackling by the KU secondary. Ku did not even deserve to be on that field and the scoreboard is misleading. That game should have been 50-25 easy. MU outplayed KU and made them look awful. *steps down from soapbox*
  21. Does the stream have smallies and largemouths, and where would be a good spot to target them?
  22. I am selling my 4wt graphite outfit. The rod is a St Croix Premier 8'4wt 4piece. The reel is a Redington Crosswater disc drag reel and is loaded with a Cabela's WF4F line. It casts like a dream and handles flies from #6 Bitch Creek nymphs down to a #18 Griff's Gnat. It would make a GREAT truck rod and reel. Leave it and a small fly box in the truck and fish on lunch or what have you. I am asking $75 shipped USPS Priority.
  23. Please find that about the browns reproducing on MDC website and link to it! I am curious now.
  24. Gorgeous fish! We have ONE stream in the Topeka, Lawrence area that holds longears and it is closed for the winter. darn. I guess I will have to post pictures after I get a really really short glass rod and enough courage to fish it.
  25. Glad you liked it! I have a feeling I will be adding a rod in the 6'6-7' range for a 5wt in the near future, like a hint to the missus for christmas as well as tying materials.
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