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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. Let us know how it goes. They told me a month ago they had not stocked in awhile and therefore the # of fish available is low.
  2. I have heard great things about Pflueger President reels also. I might be trying one of those out! I currently have a Mitchell Trion, and a Shakespeare Agility. Cheapos, and have had no problems. But, I want a reel with at least 8 bearings now, so the Pflueger will probably be my choice. I loved my BPS microlite today, hooked (and lost due to me being an idiot) trout up to 18" in KC! Great rod, highly recommend it!
  3. Ok, I know I might be asking for a lot, but where, closest to KC, is the nearest place to catch truly wild trout. I am not asking for a lot of fish, just some WILD trout. It might end up being off the beaten path, that is fine! Let me know please.
  4. I just bought a MicroLite glass rod from Bass Pro in Olathe for $19.99. It has a VERY nice action for throwing light lures. I plan on trying it out at James A Reed Monday, and then at Roaring River, end of the month. Also at BPS, they have marabou jigs 1/32 oz to 1/100 oz for $2.99 for 12 jigs. I bought some white, olive, black, black/yellow, and brown. I will not be underjigged! Now I just need a reel for it. I have one I am going to use on it until the middle of the month. Then, I will probably be getting a Shimano.
  5. I will be down there with a buddy from work and was wondering if the hatchery outlets were a good spot for high numbers of trout. Also, where would you go in the afternoon for a shot at an 18"+ fish? Can you fly fish zone 3 or is it just for the other things (bait and plastics)? Thanks in advance!
  6. If you are after an 8' 5wt. I would check out the 7'9" 5wt. Orvis Clearwater rod. I have one on layaway (have a 2month old) and it is the sweetest casting rod I have cast. The price is $149! Well, happy shopping.
  7. Sold it all this morning to a local here in Independence who had never fly fished. Thanks for the interest!
  8. ok, thanks for clarification!
  9. I am selling all of my flies and tackle for a new UL spinning outfit. Too many shoulder problems from the fly fishing tackle (it was bad before) Redington Crosswater 8'6" 5wt outfit only used three times. Orvis leaders and tippet material ranging from 4x-8x half in fluoro. Three full boxes of flies, including eggs, streamers, dries, nymphs, terrestrials, crustaceans, warmwater patterns. In an Orvis floating box, an Orvis M2 box full of 1/100 jigs, at least 2 boxes from Rainbow Fly Shop in Independence, MO loaded with the rest. Make offers on the pieces you would like. I will ship everything except the rod/reel outfit for $5 and if it is over, thats my problem. The outfit, I would rather deliver myself, but if you needed it RIGHT NOW, I would ship it and have you pay shipping...not more than $10, with insurance and confirmation numbers from the USPS.
  10. Just a question, it says on the post bass, but the flyer says trout...Confused now Phil.
  11. Anyone have any pictures of big fish from Capps? I am dying to get down there, just need the time off.
  12. I feel they should leave like 99% of that, and make the regs more stringent, stock some browns and make it a red ribbon stream if there is a forage base to do so. That looks very nice, and with all that timber, you could not help but to catch fish.
  13. Well, would they be willing to sell because according to them, they do not have too many fish in the stream right now. I called two weeks ago. If they would sell, we could probably get the state to look at it and manage it as a trout stream. Never know, food for thought! If they were not there to accept payment, you should have fished anyway, if the farm was supposed to be open those hours, there should have been someone there. How do they stay in business? I wonder that sometimes. What would be necessary to make it a decent trout stream besides more fish? I suggest we meet up and take a drive out there to see what we can do, or volunteer to do for free fishing . I am a sucker for free fishing.
  14. Looks fishy to me!
  15. Thank you, are you speaking of Wallaby Rd?
  16. Where is a place for access below the park? I am coming down and want to get away from the park for the most part. Thank you!
  17. drew03cmc


    I know there are trout in Shoal, but was wondering where a good location for chasing these wily critters would be. Any help is appreciated.
  18. I will definitely be coming down that way in a few weeks! So excited after Ducky's pics!
  19. Will definitely be down there next month after getting my new 7'9" Orvis outfit from the fly shop! Should be fun! Maybe a BBQ, or unofficial one fly event? Who knows, we may be able to set something up.
  20. Did not get down there with all of the snow and ice.
  21. I could not make it today, too little funds, too cold and nasty weather tonight! Well, how did everyone do?
  22. Awesome fish Ollie! I would be happy with the two dozen under 14", but that just makes it all the much better! Great trip
  23. Thank you guys! I am going to try to get out there!
  24. Back to my question, how would you fish the riffles and holes around Bennett Spring Access? I would be wading, and in need of advice. Thanks.
  25. Anyone know if it is still open or is it worth the trip to Gravois Mills to fish it. I tried one of their phone numbers and it was an insurance company. I was wondering if the C&R stream has any trout in it of decent size. This is the closest place to KCMO with trout fishing, and I would rather stay closer to home than drive all the way to Taney or someplace else. If you have fished it, or know anything about it, please let me know. Thank you!
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