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Everything posted by troutfiend1985

  1. Just wanting to make sure that my humor got through on the post. I would post it, but the problem is that 1. I'm lazy and 2. the pic would be pretty easy to figure out where it was just because of the surroundings. However, having said all that I do wonder how much effect a picture like that would cause. These trout in Blue Ribbon Streams that get big do so for a reason, they're spooky.
  2. KC Bridge, where is that at?
  3. You know, I wish I had that in me. I caught a 20 inch or so fish from crane a while ago and stayed quiet about it. I regret it a little now, and wish that I would have posted it and its pic up on the forum(just so that I could rub it in Chiefs face ) Mic, don't quit posting bud, you haven't done anything wrong by any means, and there are always going to be a few needles in the seat cushion that just want to stick you in the butt for having too much fun.
  4. Mic, I wouldn't even listen to those guys. Some people get too protective of a stream. After all, Blue Springs is on the map, public and I'm sure that anyone who wants to know of the stream bad enough can find information on a few different forums. Some people want to just ruin your day(I want to ruin Outside Bend's day all the time but haven't been successful yet ) Just shrug them off, I've read your reports and there is nothing wrong with them at all. I think the winter must be getting to us, and the fact that times are changing. There is a lot of stress, both economically and socially, and people might be taking a little extra baggage out on others. All I know is this, I appreciate your service to our country, the posts you make and I hope that you don't let a few people ruin your fun. Just tell the people who have a problem with it to bug off, it's not like you're hurting the fish or giving them a "how to" on catching every single monster trout out of the stream.
  5. Whatever OB. We've had this discussion over and over, and to borrow a line from Eric, you have created a "impenetrable wall of denial."
  6. That's fine OB, but just use that logic and take it to the next maximum. It only takes one person to screw up a fishery right? Regulations are great, and they serve their purpose, but without enforcement this is just paper. It's not as easy to spot someone wearing felt soles as it is to spot someone poaching or keeping over their limit. If the MDC does ban felt, ok but that better not be the last step or the purpose that this regulation is to serve will be frustrated. Regulations need enforcement, and to me this seems to just seems to be a tax on the abiding citizen, as a fishery could be decimated by one idiot who chooses not to abide by this regulation. With the lack of enforcement in MO, this is a real issue that needs to be addressed. No. Just because people don't necessarily agree with a ban of felt does not mean that education is not working, and there are some holes in the felt transfer theory. SIO3 is a great example. Just because some people see an issue in a different light does not mean that educational messages are failing. We've had this one before, I know the theories, I wash my waders and boots every time. . . I understand why there is a push to ban felt, but there are still gigantic questions out there about the transfer of this substance. I still want to know why the heck Didymo has been here for years in the White, and not in MO. Are there going to be restrictions on boats etc. ? We've had that discussion before on this forum and there was no answer. These are the issues that people are pointing to OB, and hopefully these issues and concerns will be brought up in the meeting. You have your views, that's fine but the mere fact that there is awareness of the issue of didymo shows that the education process is reaching people, is getting people to form opinions on the issue and getting people actively engaged with this subject matter.
  7. Doesn't banning felt just scream "unenforceable" to anyone? I mean MO isn't setting any records for enforcement spending, and it would seem that an agent would have to go around to everyone in a stream that is wading and say "hey, let me see the bottom of your boot" in order for this ban to work. And if a ban is put in place, it would be more enforceable in the trout parks and taney, less so on less crowded areas. But, these wader washing areas that are going in at the trout parks and taney is a good idea. I wonder how much one of those costs, and how effective they are? I
  8. Now that would be awesome. That would allow people like me to know what is being said and the thoughts of the MDC. I would really appreciate that, it would mean a lot to me because even though I don't get down to Taney, Crane, Bennett or Roaring very often, I still have a very high interest in these streams and to the health of the fishery.
  9. Sz. 16 2xl nymph hook. Really buggy and copper tunghead bead.
  10. I guess I should elaborate. I am a law student, for the next 2.5 months I will not have time to make a 7 hour drive there and back for the purposes of recreation, let alone a meeting. This time it fell in my lap, I have no papers to write, no tests to study for and only about 75 pages of reading to do tonight. One days schedule of freedom does not equate to being free for the next several months for the criminally insane law student Because of my current scheduling, if I did have that free time for one day, wild horses aren't going to drag me away from trout fishing as these are rare days indeed for me right now. I'm not saying that the meeting is not important, it is, but my limited schedule and personal interests dictate. What I am saying is that if the MDC would have its KC chapter host one of these meetings, I would be there in a heart beat. I can find 3-4 hours of spare time, but just not a whole day, especially when I would be having finals and interviews looming over my schedule at these proposed times. I would love to be down there, and definitely have some opinions, but I would also think that the MDC could really reach out to the masses by having meetings at heavily populated areas. I think that they might reach some people who occasionally go down to these parks who are unaware of this rock snot and the possible environmental consequences of this crud. But the MDC is going to have to make some meetings in the populated areas. Looking ahead, my schedule just isn’t going to allow me heading down there for a meeting, or fishing until at least June.
  11. Went out Friday and the water was beautiful. Started at the park at around 10:30 and noticed the huge piles of rocks that are very close to the stream. Has anyone seen these before? Anyways, back to fishing. Caught 8, mostly small with the big one being 9', but it was a great day. No dry flies as I never really saw a good hatch and the fish were not to interested in my mediocre presentations of a Royal Wulff anyways. All my fish came on a gray nymph that I created with the help of three Sam Adams and a little free time this winter. Nothing that I could really compare it to, and I don't have photos right now because I never thought it would actually work b/c its so darn ugly(but it does exist). Beautiful day and warm. Cheers.
  12. 180 give or take. I would show up to one but there just isn't anyway that I'm driving all that way for a meeting, right now I can't even get out to fish. If one was in KC, then yes I would be there.
  13. I must have missed something about a conspiracy theory. I thought this was just a confirmed sighting. Anyways, it does make me think a little more fishing back country streams(although all of these sightings have come from areas with large rivers in proximity). USed to be I was only scared of the two legged animals and distilleries, now I'm not scared, but cautious of the fact that these animals are here. And 4 sightings in three months makes me think that there are a lot more than these few running around. Maybe 20+??
  14. Yes, controlling the fish is a must. But I have never, ever heard of a person defend gilling a fish. Nor that gilling fish consistently is an acceptable manner to handle fish. I have to respectfully disagree and get "Outside Bend" on you guys, find some proof that says inserting your fingers into the gill plate is an acceptable manner to handle a fish, in that it is safe for the fish. And how is it so hard to not hold a trout in this manner. I cradle large trout, never have I ever been hooked in the process, they also make nets for this purpose of securing trout. Let me just put it this way, if your kid started out trying hold trout in this manner, would you say something? Probably, why? Because there is a better manner of holding trout than by gilling them, cradling or using a net puts less stress on the trout and that means that there is a better chance for this fish to fight again.
  15. I wonder if a rotation system would work. I've heard about them before where there is crowded angling and people get 30-45 minutes per place then rotate.
  16. No. That is simply not true. "Equally important and potentially life-threatening to the fish is putting your finger(s) in their gills. A fish's gills are among their most fragile and crucial organs. Evolution has provided them protective gill plates to prevent anything from entering or piercing this fragile area. But unknowing anglers will routinely use this gill plate to hold their catch and although this is fine when you intend to keep the fish, it's a bad deal if a release is planned." http://www.mgfalaska.com/catch-release.html "Never hold a fish by the gill plate! Trout are used to having their body weight supported by the neutral weight of their water environment. A vertical hold on a large trout will put pressure on all of the internal organs and can do permanent damage that the angler may never suspect." http://www.trophytroutguide.com/articles/cpr.htm "Gills are another sensitive area. The gills supply oxygen from the water. Never grab a fish by the gill plates or gills unless you plan on killing it." http://www.rainlandflycasters.com/Catch-n-release-ethics.pdf I'm sorry hotdawg, I'm sure you're a great guy and mean no harm but how you handle trout is very important. You catch a lot of very nice trout on the white, but with that you also have to be careful not to harm these fish.
  17. It's unfortunate that this type of stuff happens. But the best thing to do is either address it or move. Addressing it doesn't mean that you have to be abrasive about it, you could just say hey, I was fishing here, I appreciate that you guys want to fish also but could you give me some space please? I've actually done that, and while awkward it did work. Usually jerks don't like to be confronted in a manner that is not abrasive, and I've had pretty good luck in these situations. If that doesn't work, then there is always more river. Bman, I guarantee you that cutting someone’s fly line won't produce the results that you desire. That might have worked in past generations but today you'd be as likely to find that guy waiting for you in the parking lot. I really hate it when guys do this crowding thing, but you just can't provoke the guy. I would think that in this situation the goal would be to not make yourself look like a jerk in the process of pointing out someone else’s flaws.
  18. Maybe I'm just being overly critical, but every time I see a person in a photo with their fingers inside the gill plate of a trout it makes me want to vomit. Why do this? It makes no sense and you know that it can't be good for the trout. It really is poor form, and cradling the fish is much easier to do than inserting your hand into the darn fishes gills. It just screams bloody ignorance, and there is a person on here who has every picture with his or his clients hand in the trout’s mouth, and a lot of these fish are trophy worthy. Maybe I'm too critical, but I thought that this practice went out of style a while ago.
  19. I was thinking the same thing. Pretty awesome, never would have pictured that in my life.
  20. Whenever JD finds one.
  21. I just wanted to put this out there, we are at a trout park with crowded conditions. Expecting people to unplug themselves from the cell phone is unrealistic. If you're trying to get away from the noise of the ringers, it would probably be easier to go outside the park and fish than to give the guy a dirty look. And this is unfortunately a part of life that we are going to have to accept with today’s world. I can't really think of a time that I have actually been distracted by a phone call on the stream. I usually have mine on, but it's on silent as my life isn't that important to bother with(yet). As far as other peoples phones, I hardly notice them while fishing. I guess I'm usually concerned more or less with enjoying the day/cursing at trout than what some other guy is doing to ruin his day. Interesting that this topic has been brought up, as I guess Yellowstone is debating as to whether to add cell phone service in the park. Part of me would like it to stay as it is, kind of a sanctuary from society in that I heard zero phones during that week even when I was in the stores or eating lunch in the park. But in that park there are major safety concerns, and I'm sure that hikers/campers would appreciate having emergency access to cell phones. However, the idea of ruining(maybe too strong of wording) wilderness would take away something special from that area. Quite the conundrum.
  22. I sent in a couple of emails expressing dissatisfaction on how the current rules justify killings of mountain lions too easily. The guy said that they were going to have some sort of meeting and that he would bring up my points. I have no clue if that was a statement he made just to get me off of his back or what. Hopefully something changes because the current regs. on this issue are not cutting it.
  23. Where do you access it at? Not looking to steal your spot, and in all honesty I'm really going for either panfish or carp on the fly rod. I appreciate any help
  24. Gregg, what lb. test do you use for the dries?
  25. I appreciate the replies. I get frustrated with the lack of clear water available as well, in fact I don't know of an area that does have clear water. I'm looking into a little inflatable pontoon boat to haul around. I agree about the James A Reed note, they do need to allow small portable crafts. As for the clean water, I have my doubts as well. I hear about people fishing the little blue and two things come into mind, contaminents and the dangerous areas around that river. I'm not really big on being robbed I also hear about a few people wading in the Blue, and to me that is nuts. That river has more than its share of problems, one bing water quality. I am looking forward to take an exploratory trip in KC, just wanting to see if anyone else has explored these creeks. Mark, if I get any info on that creek by basspro I'll post it.
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