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Painter nick

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About Painter nick

  • Birthday 07/07/1979

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  • Interests
    Love to Catfish, play cards, and meet new people.

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Well scence the James river is so bad guess I'll have to quit fishing at table rock
  2. Springfield lake is part of our drinking water along with fellows and stockon
  3. I have been fishing night and day if I get the chance cold or warm
  4. I want to go fishing than to eat turkey
  5. Hope you have a good flay knife
  6. Well i dont know about bass fishing, but i use to help my dad run a troutline there before he past on. Seen him pull out a lot of big ones from there in that cold water.
  7. here Fishy fishy fishy
  8. I went to nemos landing and fished all night and got nothing. I was cat fishing had a few jugs and a troutline 18 hooks all the across the lake but no luck. Is the water to deep there? Is that too close to the main lake? that was my first time there just looking for a good spot!!!!!!
  9. Here are just a few I got from Springfield
  10. As soon as I get to go Ill post my pic
  11. I cant wait for the season to come back around
  12. Im wanting to go to the james river but to run a troutline by the flat creek. Never been their what it like, do i have a good chance of getting some cat. I bought a book for table rock but they dont show many boat ramps. Is their a boat ramp near the 173 bridge or is the closet one at the cape fair public use area.
  13. I would like to day thanks to all who posted. Keep them comming I will read them all. Thanks again!!!!! I will pick up my line when I am done dont want to make people mad. There is lots of good info here. I went to pommey two weeks ago and had no luck and i see why. Wrong hooks and i was to deep. i was talking to someone to day and he said to try at flat creek so i will. Just want to have a fish fry like i went to when I was little. So i wil have all the info on my troutline and jugs so they meet regulations. Good luck comes by doing what right so I need some good luck on my side.
  14. I new to troutlines and never juged before. I was thanking somewhere on the lower james river arm. Guess my ? is how deep should I put my troutline and jugs. My dad use to do it all the time and i went a few times but that was fifteen years ago and i was young. I would ask him but he past onto the big boat in the sky. I see why he did it all the time catfishing is the funest for me and i know have a 14ft flat bottom. can any one please help me out.
  15. Went fishing on Springfield lake Friday night and Saturday night. Got five all together 3 to 9 lb it was great. That was the biggest I ever got on Springfield. Most of the time me and my girlfriend can get our limit in about 3 to 4 hours. They are full of eggs guess it's the warm water. Only got five for two days but it was better than what most people get by the dam. It helps if u are in a boat. It's getting to cold for the girlfriend to fish I might need a buddy sometime
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