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Everything posted by jigfisherx

  1. swpa.com or call 866-494-1993
  2. Sorry Podum, I just noticed you had asked where we were on the whites. We were fishing current breaks from a boat. 1/8 oz white jigs for the most part but I don't think the color makes that much difference. Just my goto bait.
  3. My buddy and I caught what I would guess 200 or better Thursday. When I went to work Friday, I had landed so many whites I did'nt have a fingerprint left to log into the computer with. All on white jigs 1/8 oz heads. T
  4. Hey Stacy, this Is Jeff Phillips We used to lifeguard together back in the day. I live in Peculiar now, but still fish the old stomping grounds a lot. Still run with Kim Hutson and fish all over. Call me some time.
  5. If they are running water try the weir on the face of the dam. They are usually found on the lake side as it comes up from 35 to 18 feet. use your electronics to find the fish and throw a 1/4 oz jig. Lots of fishermen just drop to the bottom bring it up about a foot. Don't be afraid of the crowd, that indicates the bite is on.....if they are generating. Check swpa.gov website foe generation schedule.
  6. What size on the whites. We were down last Wednesday and caught them non stop but no quality.We were in the boat. any size up at the dam?
  7. Wayne, You just gave a great piece of advice everyone who fishes a spinning rod should listen to. I might add to give the line a slight tug as you do. I have done this for the last 4 to 5 years and I never get those nasty little loops any more.
  8. It seems to be hit or miss. Some times it looks like it is going to really take off. then the next time nothing but a few whites and crappie. Was down Wed nite and nothing. I did have a nice hybrid but just one. Going to try early am Friday.
  9. We are thinking about pulling the boat down Wednesday or Thursday. Do we burn the gas down to Osceola or just go to Warsaw and fish the tailrace? We have been chasing crappie at Melvern but with a 25 mph wind....... well, you know.
  10. It just get"s better. I have my first grandson comming in April, Won't be buying a snoopy pole or any other kid rig. I will never forget the day I gave that 202 a toss into the lake because it was a piece of junk. For a little more get a diawa or johnson with the large opening for the line and a decent drag. Save some money on the pole if you must but don't start a new fisherman on a rig you can't make work yourself. Personally, I can't wait for my grandson to arrive. Do you think it's too soon to go ahead an get him a pole now?
  11. Before I burn a day off and the gas, just wondering if anyone has put in at 82 access. It can be very good or very bad. Crappie are fine but we usually are chasing whites. Thanks
  12. I guess if you cut the tail off with a pair of scissors at the right angle you would end up with the same presentation. Where do you suggest buying raw material?
  13. I am interested in making my own soft plastic baits for crappie and white bass. I have seen them being made at some of the tackle shops around Warsaw but can't seem to find molds and supplies. Does anyone have any hints? I am especially interested in the 2 inch size tubes and slab hunter style baits.
  14. Shaker, Just wondering if you have been up on the Sac this fall? Jigfisherx
  15. I used to fish a lot at nite. At the using a blacklite fluoro line and a similar rig. Bats would fly into the line and was easy to see the point where the hit the line. That would give a strike like you are discribing.
  16. I use my hummingbird 787 to troll for spoonbill at about 1mph with good luck. Have not tried it with the electric motor but can get lower mph while drifting. I agree about having to be moving to give the chart a direction to show.
  17. That's what I thought. We may try below the dam Tues evening and try the Sac next week.
  18. Went to Warsaw Wendnesday morning and only caught 1 walleye. Water was 39.2 degrees just about anywhere we checked. We still had one day to fish so we went to the Sac on Thursday. Water temp was 43.3 in the morning but with the sun it got up to 46 or 47 in the afternoon. We started out around the bridge and caught a few but spent most of our time getting off the wood. We moved down to the last bend an caught quite a few once we figured out to fish out from the wood slow and deep. Most fish in 10 to 13 ft. many right under the boat. The key was slow and deep. we later moved up stream above the island and found the same thing. Over all a great day but I'm afraid what the cold and snow will do. We will probably get pushed back a few days now. We'll try again when the boat thaws out.
  19. Thanks for the post Shaker. I was thinking about taking my daughter to the Sac on Friday but now I think we will put in at Warsaw and see what we can find. We fished east side Tuesday nite and saw a few walleye caught. I'll post here or on the tailrace thread what we find
  20. Thanks Shaker.....I know it' been cold, but I want to go soooooo bad. Seems you and I both fish the same places watch form me and say hi. If you come to the dam at Truman watch for a dark red F150 supercrew with a camper on back.
  21. Randall, I don't anyone who really loads up on walleye around here on a regular basis, but feel like I have caught enough to give you some tips that work for me. We fish the bank alot Don't expect a lot of bites but if you keep at it yuo will figure it out. I fish 6 ft med-lite with a 3 in plastic body on 1/8 to 1/4 oz depending on current. Figure on early and late most of the time. You can pick your color but can't go too wrong with white or chartruse. I catch most walleye on short casts or at the end of the retrieve. As Shaker said be prepared to loose some baits but if it gets too bad, speed up your retrieve or move a few yards. If you keep trying you will find places you can fish w/o too many snags. We have done well this early in past years but it hasn't been this cold. You can catch some from the boat but the best spots are usually taken. Don't be afraid of slack water this time of year, it is not as important as later for whites and wipers. I have caught as many as 6 to 8 in in a trip even with no current.....not the norm. I feel 1 or 2 is a good trip usually. If you see a fat guy in bibs stop and say hi. Usually have Iowa hawkeye hat on since that is where my son is at school...... good luck
  22. Just wondering if any has put in at the hiway 82 ramp. It's a long drive with a boat if it's iced in. Shaker if you read this what's going on. I know we talked online last year when I was logged as spinfisherx....name change with new computer. Seems like we just missed connections on the river.
  23. Stopped bye the dam Tuesday evening just to see if anything was happening. Running water at 90 according to swpa. There is still ice at the ramp but it should be open in a few days. We did'nt check the temp but were told 36F. We had no bites fishing below the handicap dock and only saw one other fisherman across the channel. We talked to some guys that had been catfishing with no luck. Just wondering if anyone else has been down. We will try again in about a week or so.
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