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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I'm kayak challenged, what do you mean by the old sit in kayak is a thing of the past? Does this mean the new ones have a seat more like a lawn chair, and you sit up higher than the old types?
  2. Makes me wish I was there! thanks so much for posting these!
  3. It's really not that big of a deal where it is.....in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michiagan, etc, the rivers are pretty much filled with huge smallmouth. Makes Missouri look like the little league in comparison. Even with the short growing season those fish live to 20 years old or more. You wouldn't have that down here with the eat anything that swims mentality. Edited to say that they consider walleye THE fish to target. Serious bass fisherman are many times from out of state.
  4. I remember fishing a river in Wisconsin. The river was nothing short of phenomenal for smallmouth. We stayed at a hotel/gas station. You got a free donut and hot coffee at the gas station when you stayed at the hotel. In making small talk with the gas station owner, she was in disbelief that we drove up from St Louis to fish this particular river. At that moment I figured out why the river was so darn awesome.
  5. Somebody better tell Dion!!
  6. If you have the money, I feel a reputable guide is a good choice. Your friend from church might not have the time to go very often. IMO of you want quick results, pay for the guide. Explain to them what you want and they will teach you...consider it a training class
  7. Unless you've fished up north, it's hard to imagine what you are describing. Amazing trip, thanks for sharing!
  8. One of the things that is a given with fishing tackle is that it is almost always invented for lake fishing largemouth bass. The finesse craze has remedied that to some extent on the lure side, but the rod and reel side still hasn't caught up in my opinion until very recently. The Japanese have some fantastic finesse pattern specific rods and reels, but they cost a small fortune. Hoglaw, I bet with your rod making ability, you could design your own casting rods for wading in creeks and or canoe fishing.
  9. Turns out your ticker's in great shape!! Congrats
  10. Ditto
  11. Saw this today, pretty disturbing. http://www.lionsground.com/black-on-white-hate-crime-in-springfield-mo/
  12. Great post! You guys need to open a restaurant!! I would also like to announce that I have made some headway getting my wife interested in fishing, she said last week she wanted to take the kids to fish at Busch wildlife after work. Yeah!.....all that work to get to this point!
  13. I'll try to find that book! Or you could try to shop at Whole Foods! Naaaaahhhh
  14. Hey, that's sounds fantastic!
  15. We are on the same page my friend!!!!
  16. This is sick http://darn.com/p/think-twice-the-next-time-you-buy-meat/?utm_source=acv&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=buymeatacv
  17. I would give up my jet boat in a minute if I had to..... It would make the rivers better for sure. I typically don't go very much in the summer anyway. The river is too congested.
  18. I know of several people who use this method, but I hate using bait so bad I couldn't do it.
  19. Just ground up the trout feed and mix in biscuit dough and an egg and make a sphere about 3/8" diameter around a small treble hook. Fish it with 2-3 pound test about 3' under a small bobber and a tiny split shot about 1' above the hook.
  20. When I pass a group of swimmers I always slow down to a crawl, except if there is no room and the water is very shallow. In deep water you never know if someone is under the water swimming and could pop back up in the middle of the river.
  21. Use a small jerk bait in silver color and twitch it fast, you can usually catch a few on it at the trout parks. Try the rapala ultralight minnow or Yozuri Pins minnow in the smaller size. Use 4 lb line
  22. That why I mostly fish in the winter, to keep away from all that dangerous stuff
  23. My fault, I've known about it for a couple of weeks but I couldn't attend so I kind of dismissed it.
  24. Spotted bass are a different problem than poaching. Every year the MSA has a spotted bass roundup to kill as many juveniles as they can (within limits) on selected stretches. It's next weekend, can you two go? http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Spotted-Bass-Roundup--Saturday-September-6th-.html?soid=1103909911520&aid=kcfvzvA5W44
  25. If all the giggers were like you Seth, there wouldn't be an issue. I've got to believe in the gigging circles there is someone others suspect of illegal gigging but don't want to turn them in for one reason or the other..... possibly fear of retaliation. All it takes is a high profile bust and maybe after while these guys will figure out it's not worth the risk. But that's wishful thinking on my part. I also want to apologize for calling the MDC dorks, shouldn't have done that, had immediate posters remorse on that one.
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