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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Respect your opinion, but when has the fact that this is a fishing forum ever stopped anyone from expressing their opinion on anything. Also, this thread is not about fishing anyway. Start a new thread for you fly fishing topics .
  2. I respect your opinion Greg. This was the reason I stopped posting for a couple of months
  3. I love Cricket and Eric, they is usually right, it's not always about breaking Phil's rules though
  4. You are about 20-30% correct, sometimes no one listens unless you state your opinion in this manner.
  5. This was 1 of 15 or so posts that have been shut down over the last year and a half
  6. I'm sure if I ever meet anybody on this forum, I woud enjoy being their company and havig a great day fishing with them. I maybe misperceiving a bias but IMO this has been happening over the last year. I'm sure cable news and politics has everyone in this country on edge right now. There have been several post over the last couple of years that have made me form this opinion.
  7. It's always the last comment by a conservative that shuts the thread down, very transparent. It will not keep me from posting but it's true. My eye will be on Phil from now on pointing this out.
  8. Come on Phil, we know what you do
  9. I know Tim Hughes used to do that, I'm pretty sure he's the one who invented that "Table Rock Shad" color. I think he's in the Branson area. His email is hughesbait@centurytel.net
  10. Nice pic, start em young!
  11. Love wiggle warts, thanks for the info. take a file and shave the bill down to a sharper edge and add suspend dots for a slower rise in the colder water, make it run a little deeper too!
  12. Fargo meets Mr.Rogers
  13. What's the reason he told you to avoid abrazX? I think Tatsu from Seagaur is supposed to be their new best.
  14. beautiful boat! take your wife with you, then she can't say anything
  15. It actually takes both kinds...thats why machines have different parts, I was being facetious. If it wasnt for egg heads our technology would'nt be as advanced as it is today. However, many egg heads get caught up in the minutia of a task and can't see the big picture. I deal with some of the most intelligent Chinese Ph.D's on a daily basis. They are wizards at math but they can't manage themselves. There are people who can do both but they are few and far between. Gets pretty lonely sometimes doesn't it? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egghead
  16. Actually the people who "get" the humor are the more intelligent ones, the egg heads are the ones we keep in the back room away form the public, they scare small children and pets! I deal with scores of them every week, can't seem to think outside the box
  17. Donald Trump is running for president and he says he's going to slap a 25% import tax on China, maybe we should vote for him
  18. That isolated hole looks like you would need to be very stealthy when approaching. It's hard to imagine catching more than a couple of fish out of that hole before the word got out! How deep is it?
  19. Agreed, Norman crankbaits are probably the best American baits across the board, I also really like the bandit 200 series, and of course the wiggle wart
  20. I'm glad somebody has time to fish; thanks for the post and pics. I'm totally jealous!!!
  21. Sorry Cricket, forgot you were in the business, Go to Mt. Ida, Arkansas about 8 miles north of 270 on 27 and turn left on a gravel road. Follow the road about a mile. The river leaves the road then comes back. This is the Ouachita river. The locals call this place the "car body". I caught 2 lb females last week until I got sick of it. Can you smell the fish frying from where you are?
  22. Until 2 months ago, I only owned American cars ( 1 Chevy trailblazer, 1 Dodge Ram) I traded the Dodge ram for a low end Nissan for the fuel economy. If you cant look at a Lucky craft Pointer minnow compared to a Strike King wild shiner or a Smithwick rogue, or look at a Honda Accord compared to a Chevy Malibu and see a difference, your nuts! I've spent the last 20 years in Vehicle quality control and I know which one is better. Politics aside, the Japanese and Germans, our WW2 enemies,have the USA beat hands down. Whats odd is they both also have the sickest porn, but thats another forum topic
  23. The japanese baits and cars are better than ours, the only junk is the stuff between your ears
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