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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Hey, I'm not the one who got this thing started, I was volunteered! back peddle, back peddle
  2. I agree that some of the rivers are so small that they cant be accessed with a jet, I stay off those rivers. Another reason I prefer the jet is in the wintertime; how would you be able to take a kid or old person fishing comfortably without a boat. The risk of capsizing is too great, and in the winter that would be a disaster. BTW, I'm sure I would add you to the list is I ever fished with you! Your right, I need to get out more.
  3. My biggest fish always came within the first or second cast in an area. I personally think the fish wont forget in 10-20 minutes, especially after you catch a couple. They must get on their microphone and announce the threat Ps. the three best fishermen I know all have Jetboats; Zipstick, Al Agnew and Corey
  4. Remember that 24" smallmouth that blew up on your Buzzbait 10 miles ago..........just paddle back up stream for 2 hours with your kayak and catch it with a tube. Of course a jet boat
  5. Tim, With all due respect, I don't go for the adrenaline rush when fishing with my jet boat, I know many do, but they probably aren't the people on this forum. I also know that I can run and fish all day long on 6 gallons of fuel. I'm also not sure a person in a kayak can out fish people with a jet boat. But that's another forum topic.
  6. No worries, I tend to type and regret. You are always about three steps ahead of everyone on this forum anyway.
  7. Al, you misunderstand, nothing to do with Global Warming or what Al Gore believes regarding the environment, I think he's right. I just think he's one of those dishonest politicians you were talking about. I wasn't trying to be political but you got a little defensive there.
  8. I believe in global warming but I also believe Smallie was right, I wouldn't believe anything that Al Gore says.
  9. So when they ask him how deep his crankbait runs he can say "This one goes to eleven"
  10. You look too normal! the only people they sponsor now are either Hot women like Mariko Izumi, or Crazy acting guys like Mike Iaconelli. Perhaps we could buy you a queer eye makeover to get you in shape. Shave your head, body piercings, and facial hair. Then start behavior modification therapy (kind of like "A Clockwork Orange")you will then be like a magnet to the sponsors BTW, my friend is supposed to be one of the top disc golf players in the nation, Scott Martin.
  11. It appears to me like Bill Dance mostly fishes private farm ponds, not taking anything away from his ability to catch fish though
  12. Because of the ice I drove my wife to work last night at 11:00 pm at Scottrade (temporary 3rd shift). She stepped onto the steps of the corporate building and immediately slipped on the ice head over heels. Pretty scary! When I got home I could barely make it up the sidewalk, had to walk in the grass.
  13. No Doubt! he is the Tiger Woods of Whistling
  14. OMG I forgot about Gadabout Gaddis, OK you win. BTW you, Chief and Walleyed Mike were right. The marabou and the beetle spin. He also patented the brush weed guard.
  15. Just wanted to see if any of you can remember Virgil Wards two favorite lures? ps. I just added this great tune, it's the music from the TV show http://www.dansfishntales.com/virgilward/VWTheme.mp3
  16. Great article! Really opened my eyes!
  17. I really enjoyed the pictures of you and your son with Nick the other day, what a great day!

  18. 5/10 I don't know trout, 3 of my correct were total guesses. I'm a smallmouth guy
  19. I'm totally jealous!, that guy is playing the best Paco de Lucia I've ever heard!!! Paco is my hero! I think he is the greatest guitar player on the planet here is the original version
  20. Nice fish and an equally nice picture! One of the big pet peeves in life is my fishing partners' ability to take a great picture with my big fish, they usually screw it up.
  21. Always trust local knowledge; except when it comes to their honey holes
  22. Yes, John is a great guy and knows his stuff.
  23. Caught a large hellbender on the Gasconade 10 years ago on a crankbait. the lure was stuck to the side of his head, I guess I snagged it
  24. I have a great answer for that but it's a bit too sporty for this forum. :rolleyes:
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