Look at Hoglaws post in "Personal Best", He describes "An epic hour of fishing"... so true!! Makes you wonder how many hours you have to put in before you get an hour like that. Every once in a while, everything comes together and you realize all the hard work you put in has finally paid off. But it sure doesn't happen very often and he will probably never forget that hour the rest of his life.
Kind of reminds me of duck hunting in the early nineties, I hunted for years with fairly good results. One day at Truman Lake, up the Grand River arm, we caught it just right. We were calling down groups of 200-300 ducks that were so high they couldn't possibly even hear the call. We were luckily in the migration path. We tied our boats together and had 8 guns blazing. Everyone limited out easily; we were calling in huge groups just to pick out one or two greenheads (educated a bunch of ducks that day!). These are the moments in your sporting life you can count on one hand!!