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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Not to make you feel worse, I think Star Wars has been out over 30 years And Cricket was watching Barney
  2. Great pics, I'm hungry when I look at a Red Snapper!
  3. It based on the three or four rivers I mainly fish, I admit. As I said before, nothing scientific. Tim, What part of the state do live? Let's go fishing sometime
  4. Nothing scientific of course but I've just noticed a big decline in crawfish sightings in the last 20 years. What shapes your opinion there is no general decline?
  5. Actually the silt, and possible contaminates in the silt worry me much more than otters or coons!
  6. I noticed over the last 20 or so years the decrease in crawfish in the Ozark rivers. I know we catch bass once in a while with part of a crawfish sticking out the gullet, but I don't see the numbers like I used to. I remember wading in creeks and finding a few in a 10-15 ft area almost everytime I went out. Now I'm lucky to see one or two for the entire day when I go out. In Wisconsin, as I back my trailer in the water there are 5-10 scurrying out of the way. This also holds true for muscles (Mussels), there is only one river in Missouri that I fish that I can find living muscles everytime I go fishing. Kind of depressing
  7. Keep it Flying!!!!!
  8. Send me a PM and I will put you in touch with my buddy who owns property on Cane creek. My brother had property on Cane creek and just sold it last year.
  9. Al was (right)again, as usual.........left field!
  10. I know that! I'm proud of OB on this one, standing up for his opinion with no name calling
  11. Man, I think this thread really woke you up!
  12. I wonder now if they will ban neoprene waders, you can fall and get the slime on your knee too.
  13. Love the Hemingway pic, that guy was cool before cool was invented
  14. And the second guy comes back and says "Doctor says you're gonna die!"
  15. Spoke with Bob Glarner yesterday, he has no intention of making it private.
  16. I'm personal friends with the new owners Bob and David Glarner, great guys.
  17. Well Al, can't comment because I don't know the creek, but sometimes the fish just don't bite! The funny thing was I went to a gem of a wadeable creek last week and it was like catching big fish in a barrel. Never once had to put the Sammy down all day long. End up with a lower half full of chiggers but it was worth it.
  18. Everything works great when you nose hook a fluke, the action is better, the hook up percentage is better, but the downside is the reason I stopped using this method......they get hung up on everything!
  19. No need to get depressed! She will probably make it. When you witness first hand the abuse from poachers, it will put things into perspective for you. Your mishap is small in comparison.
  20. Fall is a great time to fish except for the fact that the leaves clog up my jet intake!
  21. Chief, You hit on a great point here. Why many don't people use tried and true lures anymore. My fishing arsenal gets smaller every year; not that I won't spend the money on new stuff and try new things, but I know what works. Without hijacking this thread, something else comes to mind about your comment fish aren't smarter. I've heard people make comments about fishing guides ruining lakes by having their clients fish live bait rigs, somehow educating the fish population to the point where they won't hit artificials anymore. This is completely crazy! like the fish dont eat live bait when there are no guides around.
  22. There's a small wadeable creek named Cane Creek that has good numbers of bass
  23. The same thing happened to me Dano, not fun. Hope you get feeling better soon! Hope they gave you a horizontal scar or Speedos and Hip Boots are out of the question!
  24. My mistake Cricket!!!!! TOTALLY forgot you were a Wordsmith
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