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Jason R.

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason R.

  1. Hoglaw- I just looked it up in the code and it appears that trespassing on clearly posted land can be a Class B misdemeanor- while un-posted is usually a C. I think the most severely punished trespassing would be going into a house or occupied structure. Not knowing that you are trespassing can apparently work as a defense. I have a feeling if one were prosecuted for trespassing in a creek- it would result in a small fine. In my opinion- shooting a warning shot anywhere near a person is assault. I can't really think of a way that it isn't assault.
  2. Man I fished that same stretch countless times back in college. I have been chased by a white truck once but I dodged the guy and got the heck out of there- I wonder if it was the same guy? Either way that is ridiculous. You really should press charges against that guy. There is no way to justify shooting at someone like that. If you had been armed it would have been perfectly understandable for you to shoot him back. Really really stupid thing to do on his part- regardless of trespassing. As far as I know, trespassing is either a class C or B misdemeanor (sounds like yours would be a C if you were actually charged) and is usually punishable with a small fine. Assault with a deadly weapon and/or illegal use of a fire arm (however you want to phrase it) can be a felony.
  3. Ha- scuffed it pretty good the first time I trailered it. Funny how every boat is different. This ones seems to like the bunks just barely in the water- otherwise the front scrapes along the un-bunked tubing like crazy.
  4. Nope. Pretty much no storage. I sealed up the live well an put the battery in there. It made a nice little dry storage. Thanks man. Thanks terrierman.
  5. I am a 20 something. All this complaining about my generation is humorous in that it is the older generation who is running the country. I am not saying my generation will fix anything- just that we were raised by yours, lead by yours, taught by yours. It is the 50 somethings who created our current culture. In 30 years I am sure I will be complaining about 20 somethings too.
  6. The only time I fished without a license was in Florida and it cost me $125.
  7. Well, It really didn't need any. It had some gouges into the gelcoat that I filled with MarineTex and sanded. I basically just stripped everything, sanded and painted. Took me a few weeks to get it all done. Ha- thanks. I don't know how much common sense I have...
  8. Thanks. Beautiful work.
  9. Thanks again wrench- after I get the trolling motor set up my rig should be ready for a first outing. Hopefully the old motor holds up. Definitely going to be going upstream.
  10. Thanks Wrench- Are the Exide's any good? They seem to be a tad cheaper. Oh and the 9.9 is a pull start.
  11. I've got a 16 ft Shawnee with a 9.9 and I just bought a Minn Kota 30 lb trolling motor (mounting on the bow) from a buddy. What battery and charger should i be looking at? I know I need a deep cycle and I know I need to keep the weight down as much as possible. I'm also not in a position to spend a fortune. Thanks.
  12. What kind of dark grey coating is that on the bottom of your river kayak?
  13. I work with the medical industry and see a lot of people get joint replacements- seems like they are a terrible ordeal to have put in and then they have to be replaced. I think your doc did you a favor as awful as that is. Hope you get it feeling better soon.
  14. +1- gravel gets in but it falls right back out usually. Not good if you need toe protection.
  15. Honestly that thing is ugly but it looks like it would catch fish.
  16. These are really good points. I am considering some but I don't want to clutter the boat up. I am considering a trolling motor first. Just a small bow mount to help control drifts. The thing with oars is that I couldn't use them and fish at the same time and none of my buddies are competent enough to row. I did some research and found out my boat is a 1979 Shawnee with a 1988 Yamaha 9.9 and the original trailer. Thanks for all the advice fellas.
  17. Thanks man thats a good idea, unfortunately this motor probably doesn't have enough of a skeg left to attach something like that...
  18. That is great advice. I'd like to think I would have thought of that... I will take Wrench's advice. I just started it up in a bucket in the driveway and it started and ran pretty well. I believe it is a frankenstein of several different motors cobbled together. Has a brand new 15 hp carb. The plugs look newish and the guy said he replaced the impeller. Oh well, new toy to play with.
  19. I am at least going to put new oil in the lower unit and replace the spark plugs. the inside of the motor looks pretty clean actually. Outside looks like it sat through a sand storm and the prop is pretty beat up. Guy used it on the Norfork and White so that explains the beat up prop i guess. Got it pretty cheap.
  20. Hey fellas, Just picked up an older shawnee type river boat (no branding on it). It is a 16 footer- 45 in wide- very basic with a live well in the middle bench. It came with a 2006 Yamaha 9.9 that is pretty beat up but works (I think)- it must have been a a rental because it has a big "3" on the cowl. The boat itself is in decent shape with some scuffs and scrapes- fiberglass- obviously- with a solid transom and a homemade wooden "jack plate." Anything i should know before I drown myself in the White river? I am going to try the boat out tonight on the Arkansas just to see how it runs. Should I worry about the scrapes and nicks in the fiberglass?- they are not super deep. Thinking of filling them in with MarineTex and painting the whole boat down the road. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. I am an absolute boat newby. Thanks! Picture- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/NFSUSqcKDGhrGHle9Fxta4kN6qQJw0KXyYhjPCCQcDQ=w1597-h640-no
  21. "Yep, been there... a few times. Almost identical stories as above. Had a fisherman power casting at us from a boat, luckily no one was hooked. Same story as Chatt, had a boat full of pissed off dudes and went over there. We made our point clear and he didn't want it. Then had some idiots hitting golf balls at us from their backyard. I was riding and darn near got hit. I'm talking a few feet away. I dropped the rope, driver saw what was happening and rushed back to me. We pulled out the water ballon launcher and sent a couple full beers into their boat house and in the backyard at them, let them have it over the PA and got out of there. Both incidents were completely unprovoked.. Crazy people. Glad nobody got seriously hurt in y'alls stories so far, but as mentioned it could have easily been another story for a few of us." I thought this excerpt from that site was awesome.
  22. Those FLi's were really decent rods- I used to have a 5wt. If I hadn't just bought a new six I'd take that off your hands.
  23. I had a similar trip about a month ago. Water was up and stained and I caught 0 fish. My wife caught three smallies on an olive clouser. She is still bragging about catching more fish than me that day- of course... I was the one steering the canoe the whole time- haha.
  24. Got a few bigguns so far- I think the biggest is a beefsteak. Also no hornworms yet in Central AR.
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