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  • Root Admin

Does anyone know of a module or add-on for journaling to an internet site... like OA? Something that could do just what you're talking about. Keep your journal online instead of in a word doc... if you wanted to. I think it would be a great asset to the site. They could either be public or private.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

Does anyone know of a module or add-on for journaling to an internet site... like OA? Something that could do just what you're talking about. Keep your journal online instead of in a word doc... if you wanted to. I think it would be a great asset to the site. They could either be public or private.

Your asking folks to open their black books? :o;):P:D


I've never bothered to keep one, but after finding my (late) grandfather's that went back since he was my age, I need to start. He never had a specific pattern that he followed, and certainly never commented on barometric pressure, but it's a neat thing to see. I coulud read it like a novel. Even cooler, my grandfather and I shared a love of exploring new out of the way places rather than fishing the same track of water over and over. It's neat to know that I can find some of the same places he found, and mabe my grandfather caught the great-great-grandfather of the fish I'm catching. Pretty cool stuff.


Microsoft data base is a very good way to keep stuff because you can sort it out with filters and find out a lot of info.

  • Root Admin

After quickly googling the subject, I think the blog we have now is the best way to keep a journal.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Hey Trav......how about what fly/lure was working or not

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


I keep a daybook in which I put down whatever I do that day, especially the stuff related to my artwork. Hours spent painting or doing other art related things, business trips, shows, reference gathering trips...and fishing trips. I don't get too detailed, just how many fish I caught and any "big" ones, how big they were, what I caught them on, and where exactly I fished. Occasionally, if conditions are out of the ordinary, I might mention weather or water conditions, and in winter, early spring, and late fall I'll mention water temperature. I used to write down a lot of the other stuff, but found that it really didn't tell me all that much when I looked back upon it...I haven't ever come to any consistent conclusions about barometric pressure or moon phase.

It's funny how even your own memory will exaggerate the size of the big fish you caught a couple years earlier...that 19 inch smallmouth I thought I'd caught in November of 2004 might turn out to be an 18 incher when I look back through my records!

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