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Me Lead?

Uh.....I can lead by example, but like Tight said, getting everyone else to agree to let me lead is another thing.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

  • 1 month later...

As far as Bass economics I am sure these stats consider a precentage.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

The only thing that makes me question the accuracy of all those statistics is...BOWLING has more participants than fishing????? Who the heck bowls?

Apparently, Barack Obama's people have been reading this thread. But I don't think their strategy to woo "Joe Six-Pack" (their phrase) is working.

  • Root Admin
Ok Trav......you lead and we will follow!!

Mike- have you lost your mind!!!!

Al, bowlers bowl every week, most twice a week- every week. Most anglers fish, what, 2-3 times a year?

I'd say a good percentage of our guests, esp in the summer, only fishing once a year and that's when they're here.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members

Trav, I agree, we anglers should wield some clout when it comes to fisheries and water resources around the country and for the most part I think we do. Missouri's conservation department is a good example. I would like to see our power in numbers used against those individuals or corporations that abuse our natural resources for their own self serving interests and destroy one of a kind or delicate ecosystems in the process. I am not anti-business but believe there should more oversight on the ecological front. Some examples: PCB's and assorted heavy metals in the Hudson river, Salmon streams lost forever in the Northwest, forests and lakes being destroyed by acid rain in the Northeast and massive amounts of habitat being lost to urban sprawl. As Phil said, most people that fish may only do so once or twice a year, they may not have the passion for the issues discussed on this forum as we do. Regarding fuel costs someone mentioned, We The People, the american consumer should be able to affect some change as to how we are treated in these United States. The American consumer drives the world markets!!!! When American consumer confidence weakens, markets around the planet shudder. You would think our buying clout would gain us some advantage in the global marketplace for fuel, food, healthcare, etc. O.K. I am now stepping off my soap box.

  • 2 months later...

Everything is about money!

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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