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Report 3/26... Montauk (best Trip In Years!)

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Just thought that I would post in this section as a small report in general of the south missouri streams. I know alot of people were wondering how the water and fishing was doing and were planning trips accordingly :D

Headed for montauk yesterday with a couple guys from work (tuesday) and made it in time for the horn. The water was pretty murky so sight fishing was definitely not an option really (visibility 1-1.5 feet). I thought we might catch a few. Boy was i wrong! We started at the blue hole below the spring (which since the flooding the whole river has changed pretty dramatically in some places SEE PICS..). Right off the bat we started tearin em up. Throughout the flywater area we seemed to do no wrong and there were streches where id hook fish on 6-7+ straight casts even at 10 am! The fish were everywhere and it seemed we hooked multiple fish in every hole. The trout were rising on the end of the swing and would come up to the bank chasing jigs etc. It was absoultley incredible how many fish i caught throughout the day yesterday 100+ easy it was like we were fishing in the hatchery almost! I seriously was tired of releasing fish (just kidding fellas! :D )

The definite hot colors were black, blk/chart, blk/orange, white in 1/32 and 1/16 because of the heavier than normal flow of water. Switched between only these jigs yesterday and today also, (i would have liked to fish the usual fish slayin jigs i make but the 1/64 and 1/80 size just wouldnt get down) . Crawled the jigs along the bottom with little to no jigging (just slight shaking id say) and let the current have its way. Boy they smashed em like a ton of bricks. Any other way didnt really produce, but once we got the ticket we stuck with it!

Honestly this was by far the best trip i had in years! I was expecting to catch a few and was thinking of cancelling the trip but needed just a couple days away! Now i usually catch 50+ on a bad day id say, but the guys that arent real big trout fisherman were catching quite a few too!

I cant say much for the other south mo streams, but montauk was clearing up considerably the couple days we were there and the fishing was absolutely fantastic!

PICS TO FOLLOW! uploading them right now! :D

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the guage hole looking upstream(first parking lot off the gravel road at the bottom of the hill from the big lodge cabins at the top of the hill in front of the lodge.)

This area got ripped out it seemed on the far bank side (left side in pic). The flood created a nice little hole on the right side of the pic where the bank used to be :D


This pic below is a water level pic of where the big hole used to be almost smack dab right inbetween the big rock hole( upstream) and the dam. Amazingly this hole was id say 15+ feet deep a couple weeks ago. Now its waist deep as with most of the stretch upstream from the dam all the way up to the big rock hole :(


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And now one of the most amazing pictures that show what power the river can hold! This is walking through the woods toward the hwy bridge from the mill hole (downstream from the hwy bridge). Most of the wodded areas are covered with a TON of sand! And i mean a ton!


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Sorry if thats too many pictures but i thought id give an update. The stream looks to be in good shape and i cant wait to see the new holes created by the flood once the water clears up a little more! The park staff did a great job with the cleanup everything looks great considering!

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Good report, what kind of shape was the campground in? We are going up in 2 weeks to camp in loop 4.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson

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Absolutely fantastic and encouraging report. We seem to always think that a flood will ruin a habatit, but Mother nature is a blast and often heals her own wounds if we are patient.

I am sitting here salavating in my morning coffee at the new possibilities.

Thanks for the great pictures and detailed information. I haven't been to Montuak for the last few years but you have whetted my interest and I may go back this year. It is a great park ane nature area even without the fishing. We are truely blessed in Missouri.

Thom Harvengt

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Great report & pictures. I'm sure there are many people wanting to see what kind of shape the stream is in after all that water. Thoms not the only fella getting that itch

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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