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Oh good grief! The way some people are about fishing regs is so childish.

Its not like the rules are hard to interpret or follow.

I just wonder, do they just not care? Are they just ignorant?

Then I always go back to, stop wasting your time wondering why idiots do what they do, they'll get theirs, one way or another.

I agree I cant figure out people that abuse regs Its like they have never tasted fish in thier lives .years ago on War Eagle in ark WE watched a guy netting white bass with a dip net, we had caught and released I dont know how many that day on rod and reel and here is this clown not even getting the joy of the fight , dip netting white bass. There is a happy ending he was caught by Game and fish, given a ticket. He said some thing to me about what a bum deal and I told him if I had my say about it they should have confiscated his car and all he had at the time of infraction .but that may stop the poaching and then the game and fish people would be out of jobs.

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Tisk Tisk

mr. lilly I take my hat off to u , If more people would do what you had the nerve to do maybe these abusers would get the idea I used abusers but morons , idiots,clowns better describe them.


That is nothing compared to what I see in a year down here on lower Taney.

From 12 to 20 fish stringers and undersized browns galore.

If I was to guess, most those dont even have a license.

Patfish, They know the laws. They just dont care. And down here on Lower Taney most people know they wont get caught.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


I don't know if the fish was short or not and I certainly don't want to belittle Phil but, I do want to play devils advocate for a minute. First I don't like the idea of having a camera in my face just because I happen be fishing, and therefore might be a poacher or break the law in some other manner. To me this portrays an overall poor image of fisherman in general. Second, for me being a video vigilante of fellow fishermen doesn't have the same appeal as actually fishing. Finally it is prudent to remember that the road to hell has always been paved with good intentions therefore it should be considered what the impact of having people lined up along the river banks with cameras trying to film potential illegal fisherman would have on a persons overall fishing experience.

Like I say, just food for thought.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


The person video taping was the guy's wife not someone videoing poachers. You can't fix stupid. She actually posted it on you tube.

"people lined up along the banks videoing poachers" Kind of a stretch isn't it? IT WAS THE GUY'S WIFE! DID YOU EVEN CLICK ON THE LINK?

if that was food for thought we will all die of starvation.

Thom Harvengt

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Thom- don't see the link you're referring to. Watched it again a couple of times because I didn't get the impression she knew him the first time but I think you may be right. Was thinking about the whole video today and thought I'd post a different version of it but I'm not sure now, in the light it could be his wife, that it would be right. I thought maybe he was running up the hill to show someone in a vehicle, like his wife, the fish and then would run back to release it. That still could be plausible unless Thom is right and she posted what he says she posted.

Anyhow- even if he did release it after running up the hill, he's still technically in violation cause it's supposed to be released immediately... but we don't do that while fishing from a boat- taking pics and all.

REGARDLESS it's a great video to be viewed by the world on youtube... makes you think twice about posting videos on youtube cause somewhere, someplace on a forum in Kyrgyzstan, people may be talking about you.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


The video was in the right column next to the phil and bill one when I viewed it. He was saying as he ran up the hill I want to show this to my mom and the lady videoing replied I am not following you to the car. I assumed it was his wifel

Thom Harvengt


Pretty sad! Many break the law (not just poaching), because they know a lawyers will get them off! Why do high speed chases take place and when they bail and the cops chase them and catch them for resisting arrest, they get a lawyer and file suit against the cop. Look at all of the illegal immigrants (breaking the law) in this country and there are those in government that want to allow them to stay and make them citizens without going thru the process of becoming a citizen. Sorry, I will now get off the soapbox

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org

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The video was in the right column next to the phil and bill one when I viewed it. He was saying as he ran up the hill I want to show this to my mom and the lady videoing replied I am not following you to the car. I assumed it was his wifel

Ahhh.... I didn't get what he said. Then he may have been hurrying to get the fish back in the water.

May be this has a happy ending after all (for the trout too!).

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


if you were dragged into the water so a big brownie could show you off to his/her mom/dad/friend would you think it was ok? Catch and release is instant in my book. Not when your done showing it off.

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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