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What is 45 inchs long and had a twistie tail jig tipped with a nite crawler for supper? Attached to 8 lb test line and took almost 2 hours to land?

After some pics I released it and it swam off on its own power. I hope it made it. I was fishing for whites and maybe a walleye when it hit just before dark. I cant believe my line held up, especially towards the end.


Probing the depths, driving lunkers from their homes!


Nice fish, I'll bet that was fun.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Good fish. Glad to see it was released.


A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

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Ozark Trout Runners



That's a monster. Congrats on the catch.

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I knew you couldn't wait to put those pics up!! Glad I'm such a great photographer! Hope you don't mind if I give away the info! That fish was caught in NWMO at Lake Viking, by my masterangling brother Joefish! I had to rush to the scene and witness it for myself! What a catch! My buddies and I were almost as excited as Joefish! Not hardly! We tipped a beer and celebrated a grand catch, and always the conservationist he released it! I'm not sure I could have done it, I would have had to officially weight it and then have a party and eat the sucker! When he called me I was about to watch a movie, he said he'd call me when he landed it, 2 hours later no call, so I called him, he was still fighting it! 8 lb test no wonder, by the time I showed up on the scene he had landed it! Great Job Bro!



Pretty cool. It's great that you got a pic, too. My luck would be no camera within 20 miles.

“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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thanks guys. I got me this nifty little nikon 100 digital camera for xmas and I take it with me most of the time. Cant seem to get a pic of a turkey or any mushrooms or a walleye,though. I have to thank my sponser STREN and my brother for taking me to LongBranch Lake last weekend which forced me to put new line on my reels.

Probing the depths, driving lunkers from their homes!

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