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Just got this email from my Uncle. Guess the camping is closed for the season.

Had a call from the camping reservation folks…………Mill Creek is closed for the entire season this year. Guess they figure it will be a while before the water goes down and then they will have clean-up and repair issues to deal with after that.

Dennis Boothe

Joplin Mo.

For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing

in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~ Winston Churchill ~


I was hoping that the camp ground at Mill Creek would be open by at least June, that's to bad.

I'm tempted to make a sign and post it at the launch ramp for those who do not understand the limited parking available for the hundreds and hundreds of boaters that use that ramp. For the past two weeks I've see guys parking there trucks with trailers parallel to the water on the ramp. This past weekend two rigs parked like that back to back taking up about 15 parking spots.

People who use that ramp should park vertical to the water, this allows around 30 rigs to park on the ramp, and still maintains a good 40 foot opening for launching boats.

Okay, sorry, after reading what I wrote it reads like a rant.......but it's true :angry:

How do I deal with those who ignore the 50 yard encroachment rule?......I show them just how accurate I am with a crank bait! rtj4bb.gif


The Corps was sending emails to the area resort owners last week updating pool predictions and access...mentioned the possiblity of fully opening the old Joe Bald area.

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