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It has been recommended to me that water seperating fuel filters are a must with ethanol. They also need to be changed at least every couple of months. Compared to the price of a new powerhead that seems cheap to me.


MOON SHINE MOTORS.....HOW BOUT THAT....... Ironic you mentioned this, My fishing pardner and I had a one hour discussion way to the ROCK Saturday morning about ethanol, diesel, and corn oil, price hikes and fuel overall..........Maybe we should take our Great Great Grand Parents secrets on MOON SHINE STILLS....I know most of us know how to make them or have all heard about the old stills in the past......I think we could all agree that we could really make a difference on the ol wallet.

We might have to do some conversions to our motors but we could make our on gas. There definately will come a big change soon.

I just hope the OIL COMPANIES dont try to take me out if I were to be the one to start it.

Someone will.

Im aboard.

Charles E. Jackson


I installed a 10 micron fuel seperating filter this weekend. cost about 50 bucks (Yamaha) replacement filters are under 20. During the install as i cut into the fuel line i saw residue when I drained the old fuel into a jar. Might as well drain the tank as it was near empty. checked the water content when it was near empty and sure enough there was water settled to the bottom of the jar. my wife thinks im nuts because now i haul my boat to AR. to fuel up to fish in MO.conoco has no ethanol. Takecare installing a filter in your battery compartment. good idea to remove all your batteries to eliminate the risk of fire. check for leaks by pumping your primer bulb (installed before the new filter).I really dont know if I am being paranoid but I have peace of mind now.Dont have to worry about my motor can concentrate on the bite.

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