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Mine just came..

to my surprize.. its bigger them normal, a little heavier then it use to be....

I opened the box.... Yes this one came in a box...


My new catalog is a "HARD BACK" edition...

it has page marks for thing like

Rods and Reels

Fly Fishing




every section is marked!!!

this is a AWESOME catalog!!!



You know why they sent you that one Leonard? It's a little thank you for all the money you've given them.

How do I know you may ask?

Cause I got one too! :lol:



probably so...

but no matter it was my fault..

Dave (last name not going to be printed)...

Brought me a shirt and it was the guide wear II... I like it so much I got 6 more of them... and a gortex jacket...

Hey Dave..

I still have the shirt... I still wear it when I go fishing... and when ever I can in between.. :goodjob::goodjob: .... LOL... 2 thumbs ups

Thanks again for the shirt



Those are the best catalogs they have everything that is in the store. I get one every fall and every spring that is hard bound.

Enjoy and don't use the special code on the back to much.


To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!


Well I feel ripped off. Just how much money does a person need to spend there to get a hard backed catalog? Got mine today and it was the spring master with some special camping mini catalog. But hey if ny of you guys are interesting intradeing a big master for a little camping catalog let me know. JK


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