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The trout are all hatchery stocked, yet catch and release is encouraged....it kind of baffles me. I do not keep anything, but if I did, it would not be a trout. I think they taste awful. I cannot understand why all these "conservationists" view catch and release in a FULLY STOCK-MANAGED fishery as a necessity. Sorry, I know, I feel like Trav on this one...Dead Horse topic.

You fly fish don't you drew03cmc? Don't you appreciate the slot limit implemented to introduce catch and release below the dam. Didn't use to be that way. I could go down there and make a paste out of fish food and take home all of the hatchery stocked fish I wanted. Then so you guys could get a thrill out of bigger fish this limit was put in place.

And I like fresh fried trout it is great.

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Drew03CMC, this a direct quote that made me assume he was clipping their fins, "I don't eat brownies because the majority that I catch are too big to taste good. I have a bad habit of clipping fins off big brownies so I will know if I have caught them before."


Ok, I had not seen that, and yes I do fly fish. We had a 10+ page long thread about this also, and the points expressed there about Taney being a fishtank that is constantly replenished through stocking, fit here also. If I want to catch 12" rainbow trout, there are places closer to home to do it. The only time that it makes any sense to run to Branson to fish Taney is in the fall when the chance is better at a larger fish. I am of the school of thought that native species require protection like catch and release, but introdruced species should be taken out of waters that either they are not native in, or that they cannot self sustain. Now, your bleeding heart TU will not see it that way, as trout are supposed to be protected in any coldwater fishery that is available. That part of the lake is used at most times of the year by some species, be it suckers, smallies, walleye or white bass, it is used. I guess my view is not the most commonly approved one though, so I will keep it to myself.



. If I want to catch 12" rainbow trout, there are places closer to home to do it. The only time that it makes any sense to run to Branson to fish Taney is in the fall when the chance is better at a larger fish.


If you come to branson this fall, go to bull creek. With all the high water, that's where the browns will spawn this year, like they did last time we had high water in "04". Actually they just attempt to spawn. They will be stacked in bull creek like jayhawkers at a class reunion. You could also fish with Trav while you are down that way. You might be able to catch a brown that's not clipped, and take home some farm fresh bows.


Hey Guys

I am a catch and release sometimes kinda guy. Robbie and I love to eat fish almost as much as we love to catch them. We also freeze fish so that we can eat it year round.

We are catch and release in a slot. Too small, it goes back. Too big it goes back. One exception is trout, so far, because we have not had enough experience yet to keep any that we catch. I also do not know how to fillet a trout, so back she goes.

We do not waste fish, we enjoy them. We enjoy catching them, releasing them and eating them. Guess that makes us hypocrits, but we are happy ones. :D


Yes, I'm That Guy



I don't think I will make no where near 2000 hours this year. I have been out of action with a broken boat for the better part of the summer. <_<

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson


What the......I thought she was purring like a kitten?

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Sorry to hear about your boat. I wish it a speedy recovery.


I know this has been said before but I just don't understand the animosity between those that catch and release and those that don't??? I'm a catch and release guy and so is my wife. But I've got nothing against anyone keeping legal fish - trout or otherwise. When I see someone that has kept a big brown or bow it does bother me a bit but so what? I would never question that person's right to keep a legal fish.

And as someone that has fished Taney since the late 70's - catch and release does work even in stocked fisheries like Taney. During the 80's and 90's just about the only rainbow you could catch on the upper lake was a freshly stocked 12 incher. After the slot was put in the avg size increased dramatically. Obviously a lot of these released bows are surviving. Which is a good thing (in my opinion).

Trav I hope you get your boat going soon too.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell


I bought a new boat you all! Sitting in my driveway. Give me a week or so and you will be talking trash on the Lower Taney format! :lol:

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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