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My nephew from the Dallas area is in town for thanksgiving. The folks in his neighborhood are having a heck of a time with pigs. He lives on the outskirts of Dallas on the northwest side. He lives in an upscale subdivision so very large lots are the norm. Problem, on one side is a conservation area and the other side is a fairly large lake. At night these pigs will wander in and do all kinds of damages to lawns and property. My question is this, do any of you have experience with these pigs and is there anything these home owners can do to deter these animals. There are a lot of children and pets in this area so a lot of conventional methods are probably eliminated. If anyone has any ideas I will pass them onto my nephew and I'm sure that he will appreciate them. He has two gorgeous small children and I would hate to see them come face to face with one of these animals if they ever get brave enough to come out during the day.


Doug Kiefer

Doug Kiefer

Independence, Mo

h: am4mu@comcast.net

w: dougk@schulzetool.com


Kill the pigs.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


In Louisiana when I lived down there, there were lots of folks who would trap them, take them off, feed them grain for a while and then make boudin out of them. I imagine there are a lot of cajuns that moved to the Dallas area after Katrina who would be willing to do that for free (meat).

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