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I can't find a category that seems like this would fit in, so I'm putting it here. About 40 or so years ago, I remember reading in a Missouri Conservationist magazine about frost flowers and I was intrigued by them. Even at 14 years of age they captured my imagination with the magic of their beauty and how nature can be so randomly fascinating. I didn't give them much thought since then until last week when I was at my sister's house near Shell Knob. We went for a walk on their trail near one of the coves on Table Rock lake and noticed these ice formations, and that article about the frost flowers came back to me. I knew right away what they were, and it made my day. We spotted one, and then like looking for mushrooms you look around and they're all around you. I wish I had a better camera, because the little pocket camera I had didn't do them justice, but I thought I'd share some pics with everybody. I've spent most of my time in northern missouri around Mark Twain Lake and haven't seen any around there. Perhaps the conditions just haven't been right. Maybe they're more common around Southwestern Mo?







Thanks for sharing. I have never heard and definitely never seen them before. Thanks again

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