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Its great that we have this amount of interest recieved in this short of time! :D Now it is time to get a possible meeting scheduled and, over the course of a few weeks, discuss the major concern areas that Hickory possess. I have not been down to Hickory in a while, but I am planning to go on Thursday. Please PM me if anyone would like to meet me down there. So, what dates are we thinking about? I have never been on a stream team before but I would imagine that warm weather would be a must. Lets keep this thing going!


Chief Graybear, mrbuzib1, and myself met up at Hickory creek this morning. We walked most of the park. Concerns we addressed were the litter problems which this time if year isnt too bad although we did see more than what you would expect. Also fish habitat, the need for some small dams, an artificial bait only area. Education on creel limits and an enforcement presence. Lots of good ideas just need to all get together and make it happen. Although small this could be a very nice place to fish with a small amount of work. After looking at the park mrbuzz had a flyrod in his truck so he gave it a whirl!

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Dennis Boothe

Joplin Mo.

For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing

in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~ Winston Churchill ~

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I have often wondered what the MDC would say to an artificials/catch and release only area in white ribbon streams such as Hickory and Capps (I know, we get back to the whole issue of enforcement). I wonder if would could appease the locals who like to poach by setting up a dam that separates the stream into tow different sections, one for artificials and one for bait and wait. Do you think that the MDC would go for an area of artificials only? If we could divide this stream by a small dam, and use this dam to separate the artificials from natural bait, then maybe this stream could gain some traction. This idea of a dam might be wishful thinking though, but the stream team needs to get a time frame together.

One more thing: In Tryon's book, "Fly Fishing for Trout in Missouri" he listed Hickory Creek in Neosho MO as a stream that has wild trout. Now, I have not caught a fingerling in this stream but have noticied a post with a trout that has par markings on its side. Does anyone ever see any spawning going on in this creek? Any redds being noticed? I am asking this because I myself wonder if this could be another direction that we could use when we meet with the city(eventually this will happen). Just wondering because I feel that a stream with a chance of some natural reproduction could be a driving point.

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One more thing, I know that the idea of having a park ranger there 24/7 is not going to happen. I wonder if we could get some cheap trail cameras? Is this idea too far out there? I was just wondering and I'm not afraid of criticism.



Travis, I have never noticed any redds in the creek. There could be some spawning in the lower parts of the creek that doesn't get any pressure. I know there are a few fish in there year around, but haven't caught any fish that I might think are wild.

Not to criticize at all, but I think a game camera would last as long as the trout do. If we have to we may have to be content with reporting poachers and let the MDC deal with them. Maybe, if they get enough calls they might put it on a priority list and make themselves seen more. Chief did say that if we can get the "Operation Game Thief signs", the city(I believe) will donate and set the posts for us. I believe the signs will give a lot of people the confidence to make the call if needed, and make the poachers a little uneasy.


If fishing was easy it would be called catching.


The signs are a good Idea. Maybe they will give the poachers the idea that there are people who care whether or not they poach and are willing to drop a dime on them. Also in one of the posts earlier someone mentioned trash cans. By the benches would be a great idea, but the City would have to pay someone to empty them, and from the looks of the toilet in the park johnny on the spot last time I was down, I dont think it gets emptied more that a couple times a year. Although on a good note it did get cleaned that day Tyler and I were down there early this month. That was our lunch time entertainment as we watched 5 guys discuss and finally tackle it with disgust. We were at a safe distance at the covered picnic tables and up wind I might ad or another location may have been chosen for lunch. :lol:

Im not a Cardinals fan, but I am a Cardinal. If you know me you know what that means.

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Yeah, I thought that the idea of cameras would be a bit of a stretch, but too much coffee and not enough business at work can drive you crazy. I think that the signs are a great idea. It would be great if we could get them for free, but I could live with the idea of dropping a few bucks if I had to. I think that my last posts got us off of topic; does anyone know when we should set a rough date for our stream team debut?


It really could be a far better park with dilegence from the local people. A lot of people use the walking trail daily and I would think some of those people might gain interest in our efforts also. I was thinking of doing three official clean-ups a year. The first one being right after the garage sales days. The second one being right before or after the first weekend of June during free fishing days. The third being sometime in the fall just before Thanksgiving. Any other ideas are welcome. I want to team up with the Hatchery in some way or another also. I'm pretty sure we can get some exporsure at the fishing derby for the kids if the Hatchey will let us. I'm suppose to get an official packet from MDC with info concerning our stream within a couple of weeks. I'm just giddy like a school girl!

"you can always beat the keeper, but you can never beat the post"

There are only three things in life that are certain : death, taxes, and the wind blowing at Capps Creek!

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I am in a position to help you guys if a Stream Team gets established here in Neosho. I can offer the services of many to go in and at least pick up trash in and around the creek. This help has been offered to the City but has been turned down or gets used somewhere else. Also, on a personal note, I fish Hickory quite often and would love to be part of something that will better one of my favorite local fishing holes. Please let me know when you have a meeting or post it here and I will try to make it.

It really could be a far better park with dilegence from the local people. A lot of people use the walking trail daily and I would think some of those people might gain interest in our efforts also. I was thinking of doing three official clean-ups a year. The first one being right after the garage sales days. The second one being right before or after the first weekend of June during free fishing days. The third being sometime in the fall just before Thanksgiving. Any other ideas are welcome. I want to team up with the Hatchery in some way or another also. I'm pretty sure we can get some exposure at the fishing derby for the kids if the Hatchery will let us. I'm suppose to get an official packet from MDC with info concerning our stream within a couple of weeks. I'm just giddy like a school girl!

I think those days would be good also, but don't forget what the park and creek looked like after the 4th of July last year. It was totally trashed. It might not be so bad if they don't let the islanders take it over again, but still it will probably be bad, especially the water.

I am in a position to help you guys if a Stream Team gets established here in Neosho. I can offer the services of many to go in and at least pick up trash in and around the creek. This help has been offered to the City but has been turned down or gets used somewhere else. Also, on a personal note, I fish Hickory quite often and would love to be part of something that will better one of my favorite local fishing holes. Please let me know when you have a meeting or post it here and I will try to make it.

Welcome aboard tclubbs2. Any and all help is appreciated.

Don't forget everyone we have to come up with a name for the stream team. I would think that it will have to be on the application. I haven't seen any of the other stream team names, so I'm not sure what direction we should go in. Any ideas? Go ahead toss some out there and maybe we can do a vote or something.

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.

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