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  • Root Admin

I have I bet a couple hundred white/gray marabou jigs. I think they are 1/80th oz, some with orange and some with chartreuse heads. Nothing wrong with them... I had them tied years ago by someone who needed the money. They won't sell here and I need to get them out of my office.

$5 plus whatever to ship.

Also - #18 orange soft hackles with brown hackle - 48+ - $12.00

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

I have I bet a couple hundred white/gray marabou jigs. I think they are 1/80th oz, some with orange and some with chartreuse heads. Nothing wrong with them... I had them tied years ago by someone who needed the money. They won't sell here and I need to get them out of my office.

$5 plus whatever to ship.

Also - #18 orange soft hackles with brown hackle - 48+ - $12.00

How many for $5.00?

  • Root Admin

I'm not going to count them... I bet it's closer to 300. Some are gray only- something I noticed when I changed containers.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members
I'm not going to count them... I bet it's closer to 300. Some are gray only- something I noticed when I changed containers.

I will take them-

Do I write a check or Visa?


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