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I know it is in Bolivar on April 18th and will be at the A of G church in the middle of Hwy 13, but that's about all I know.



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I'm going i can't wait. I have never been to one before and I'm bringing my 6 year old girl who just learned how to whip finish last night.


from the fly fishing forum:

Tri Lakes Fly Fishers host

Missouri's largest flyfishing show

by Terry and Roxanne Wilson

The Tri Lakes Fly Fishers will again host the largest fl y-fishing show held in the state of Missouri on Saturday, April 18, 2009. The event will be held from 9 am until 5 pm at the activities building of the Highway Assembly of God Church in Brighton, Missouri, 14 miles north of Springfield on northbound Highway 13. The event is open to the public, there is no admission charge, and all seminars and shows are free as well. The show will feature 40 of the world's best fly tiers, seminars and programs on Belize, white bass, spey casting, and much more throughout the day. There will be an outdoor casting pond with demonstrations by a certified casting instructor and free casting lessons. Food will be served throughout the day. Vendors will offer a wide variety of products for fl y-fishing, and the club will give away fl y-fishing door prizes and present silent and live auction items on which to bid.

This is the 10th annual Fly Fishing Expo sponsored by Bolivar's Tri Lakes Fly Fishers. Each has been larger than all previous shows, and this event promises to be the largest and best yet. The Tri Lakes Fly Fishing Expo has traditionally been held in February, but this year the club decided to move the event to mid-April in the hope of avoiding the snow and icy roads that have plagued their expos in the past. The Expo's auctions are the club's only fund-raiser and are important to maintain the club's active programs, such as the outing they hosted in October 2008 for "Project Healing Waters." The program is designed to provide soldiers returning from foreign wars with the therapeutic benefits of fly fishing. The club also provided Bolivar High School's Outdoor Education class with fly tying equipment and has committed to continue their support by donating materials and assistance.

If you are interested in attending the 2009 Expo and would like information about accommodations and local fishing, please contact Terry Wilson at (417) 777-2467 or terrywil@windstream.net.


Dave Cook

Missouri Trout Fishermen's Association - Kansas City

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein


Went to the Fly Tying Convention in Boliver this weekend and it was great. I had never been to one and I brought my 6 year old daughter with me. I didn't know how well she would do there, but she stayed interested for about 5 hours which is impressive. I learned a lot and met a ton of great guys. My daughter loved learning how to cast a fly rod and collected 14 new flys for her dad to try out, if she will let me touch them. As many tiers as there are in the Branson Area they should have one of these here in Branson.


I went with Ken richards and had a great time. Vendor turnout was good and there were plenty of tyers. Had a good time casting a few new rods and talking popping bugs with Don from BreamBugs.com I am kinda suprised the BassPro doesnt do something similiar being right on the water.

Zack Hoyt

OAF Contributor

Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions

As many tiers as there are in the Branson Area they should have one of these here in Branson.

I am kinda suprised the BassPro doesnt do something similiar being right on the water.

Patience my friends.... patience... ;)



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

Patience my friends.... patience... ;)

Anything I can do to help, just ask. I am always looking for an excuse to get to Branson.

Zack Hoyt

OAF Contributor

Flies, Lies, and Other Diversions

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