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I don't know what the problem could be...I'm supposed to be one of the staff members but I know very little about the actual running of the site. I'll contact the other staff members and see if I can find anything out.

Al, don't worry about it. It took a little while, but it eventually took. I guess since there aren't that many administrators, you can't expect one to be on duty at all times. Thanks for your help, though.

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A couple buddies and I are trying to plan a float on the middle or upper Meramec mid to late September. We have to make it a Sat/Sun float to fit their schedules. You guys think the idiots will be done with the river by then? Any ideas on avoiding them if they're still out? We'll be doing an overnight, so any tips on logistics to avoid other floaters would be useful and appreciated. Thanks a lot, Eric

Just wondering, what defines "idiots" on the river?

Real men go propless!

Just wondering, what defines "idiots" on the river?

Idiots are defined as a creature that wears a tank top, he has a beer at 8 A.M. An idiot gets on a canoe with a pile of plastic beads that will soon be garbage on the basin of your favorite stream, all prepared for a chance to glimpse the sacred boobie. The idiot drinks his beer and crushes it on his forehead. the idiot asks the women if they are impressed. NO TIME! More paddlers among us! Carry on, frat boys...more to see up ahead. Get out the water balloon launcher and hit the one with the bigguns. Success!

You ask the idiot if he wants to fish, and he replies, fish...fish for what? I'm here to get hammered...teeheeeteeheee

NOw look...hundreds of his type are reaching our area. Drunk. Jello shots. Garbage.

do you have a rod idiot? hell no i have no rod. I'm here to get punked up! Get me to my tent so I can get something on.

where is your food idiot? we don't need no stinking food...we have canoes and women

Is it time to camp? there's a tent put it up.

Where do you go to school idiot? Oh one of those colleges whre we get together a bunch of gyus like me to ruin the streams for guys like you.

How many of them are you? Like the stars he tells me. As many as the stars.

And then I see them , a neverending line of idiots flowing over the fields and gravel roads to infestate the beautiful, peaceful water that one sportsman wants to fish all day. Do they go first. Do you blow out first and geht the heck away from these idiots. Move now. Paddle fast ...save your trip go on your own....break away...you can't be saved...they know not what they want nor what their souls tell them. Flee. Flee you crop of idiots and next time just get drunk in the gymnasium. I'm going fishing and you can't stop me.

That was one vague recollection of a trip with idiots quite a few years ago on the Meramec. I look for weekdays now, especially weekdays on the off season. Peace and quiet, what you would expect, and the chance to catch some fish.

To answer your question, an idiot is someone who keeps your float from becoming enjoyable and productive. Look for shirts with college markings, look for cars instead of trucks, look for an inordinant amount of gratuitous boobs and look for the sounds of stupid people in the background then run......!!!!!!!!

Idiots are defined as a creature that wears a tank top, he has a beer at 8 A.M. An idiot gets on a canoe with a pile of plastic beads that will soon be garbage on the basin of your favorite stream, all prepared for a chance to glimpse the sacred boobie. The idiot drinks his beer and crushes it on his forehead. the idiot asks the women if they are impressed. NO TIME! More paddlers among us! Carry on, frat boys...more to see up ahead. Get out the water balloon launcher and hit the one with the bigguns. Success!

You ask the idiot if he wants to fish, and he replies, fish...fish for what? I'm here to get hammered...teeheeeteeheee

NOw look...hundreds of his type are reaching our area. Drunk. Jello shots. Garbage.

do you have a rod idiot? hell no i have no rod. I'm here to get punked up! Get me to my tent so I can get something on.

where is your food idiot? we don't need no stinking food...we have canoes and women

Is it time to camp? there's a tent put it up.

Where do you go to school idiot? Oh one of those colleges whre we get together a bunch of gyus like me to ruin the streams for guys like you.

How many of them are you? Like the stars he tells me. As many as the stars.

And then I see them , a neverending line of idiots flowing over the fields and gravel roads to infestate the beautiful, peaceful water that one sportsman wants to fish all day. Do they go first. Do you blow out first and geht the heck away from these idiots. Move now. Paddle fast ...save your trip go on your own....break away...you can't be saved...they know not what they want nor what their souls tell them. Flee. Flee you crop of idiots and next time just get drunk in the gymnasium. I'm going fishing and you can't stop me.

That was one vague recollection of a trip with idiots quite a few years ago on the Meramec. I look for weekdays now, especially weekdays on the off season. Peace and quiet, what you would expect, and the chance to catch some fish.

To answer your question, an idiot is someone who keeps your float from becoming enjoyable and productive. Look for shirts with college markings, look for cars instead of trucks, look for an inordinant amount of gratuitous boobs and look for the sounds of stupid people in the background then run......!!!!!!!!

Excellent summary. Right on the money.

Excellent summary. Right on the money.

The irony is I was pretty drunk myself last night when I typed that (I don't usually drink that much). I feel stupid. :blush:

Idiots are defined as a creature that wears a tank top, he has a beer at 8 A.M. An idiot gets on a canoe with a pile of plastic beads that will soon be garbage on the basin of your favorite stream, all prepared for a chance to glimpse the sacred boobie. The idiot drinks his beer and crushes it on his forehead. the idiot asks the women if they are impressed. NO TIME! More paddlers among us! Carry on, frat boys...more to see up ahead. Get out the water balloon launcher and hit the one with the bigguns. Success!

You ask the idiot if he wants to fish, and he replies, fish...fish for what? I'm here to get hammered...teeheeeteeheee

NOw look...hundreds of his type are reaching our area. Drunk. Jello shots. Garbage.

do you have a rod idiot? hell no i have no rod. I'm here to get punked up! Get me to my tent so I can get something on.

where is your food idiot? we don't need no stinking food...we have canoes and women

Is it time to camp? there's a tent put it up.

Where do you go to school idiot? Oh one of those colleges whre we get together a bunch of gyus like me to ruin the streams for guys like you.

How many of them are you? Like the stars he tells me. As many as the stars.

And then I see them , a neverending line of idiots flowing over the fields and gravel roads to infestate the beautiful, peaceful water that one sportsman wants to fish all day. Do they go first. Do you blow out first and geht the heck away from these idiots. Move now. Paddle fast ...save your trip go on your own....break away...you can't be saved...they know not what they want nor what their souls tell them. Flee. Flee you crop of idiots and next time just get drunk in the gymnasium. I'm going fishing and you can't stop me.

That was one vague recollection of a trip with idiots quite a few years ago on the Meramec. I look for weekdays now, especially weekdays on the off season. Peace and quiet, what you would expect, and the chance to catch some fish.

To answer your question, an idiot is someone who keeps your float from becoming enjoyable and productive. Look for shirts with college markings, look for cars instead of trucks, look for an inordinant amount of gratuitous boobs and look for the sounds of stupid people in the background then run......!!!!!!!!

I'd say that sums it up pretty well........

Just look at any floater on the Meramec River between Highway 8 and Meramec State Park between May 1, and September 31, and you can probably bet that they pass the idiot test. That's why I stay off it then for the most part.

Not saying I'm not an idiot though, just I don't quite fit the above description. B)


When it comes to the rivers at least I feel I am an 'Educated Idiot", lol.

Many years ago I had 3 buddies swimming at Cedar Grove put in the hospital by some 'idiots...they had words with a couple of canoes telling them to get out of their way...they thought, not too bad odds...3 of us, 4 of them so they promptly told the flatlanders where they could go, about that time the rest of the fraternity came around the bend of the river...one of my buddies ran (the smart one) and the other 2 ended up with their heads split open from boat paddles.

Park rangers were waiting for them at Akers Ferry, guess they got in trouble but probably not near enouph.

So there is one of my 'Drunken Idiot stories'...one of many unfortunately.

later on


My friends say I'm a douche bag ??

Avatar...mister brownie

bm <><

When it comes to the rivers at least I feel I am an 'Educated Idiot", lol.

Many years ago I had 3 buddies swimming at Cedar Grove put in the hospital by some 'idiots...they had words with a couple of canoes telling them to get out of their way...they thought, not too bad odds...3 of us, 4 of them so they promptly told the flatlanders where they could go, about that time the rest of the fraternity came around the bend of the river...one of my buddies ran (the smart one) and the other 2 ended up with their heads split open from boat paddles.

Park rangers were waiting for them at Akers Ferry, guess they got in trouble but probably not near enouph.

So there is one of my 'Drunken Idiot stories'...one of many unfortunately.

later on


Yeah, that sucks that that happened... It's even worse when said drunken idiots have jet boats... I do not mean to offend the jetboat crowd out there, just the ones that are hopelessly drunk while they try to motor around the river. I have had several near miss incidents with that crowd. Kinda scary

Yeah, that sucks that that happened... It's even worse when said drunken idiots have jet boats... I do not mean to offend the jetboat crowd out there, just the ones that are hopelessly drunk while they try to motor around the river. I have had several near miss incidents with that crowd. Kinda scary

I'm all for having fun outdoors, just have some respect. Common sense goes a long ways.



I get it, and I agree. Thought maybe you were talking about me and my jet boat. I don't do the Meramac much above Pacific, or the Gasconade very far up. I leave the "skinny" water to the floaters. I always try to check a rapids for floaters coming down stream so I can let them pass before I go up. Other than one big event on the Gasconade, when I'm on the river it is to fish same as you.

Real men go propless!

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