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Strangest thing happened to me the other day - Three times now i've gotten up at 2 am, gotten down to the docks by 3:30 (after a soda pick-me-up and two hotdogs at the hwy14/hwy65 QT [side note within a side note - how come QT serves hotdogs at 2:45am, but not breakfast sandwiches?? What kind of crazy fool eats hotdogs at 2:45am?...besides me apparently]) ANYWAY, got down to the dock, had limit of 4 fish and cleaned by 6 or so, and was at the dam early to fly the day away. Good fun, but a long, long day!

T'other day though, my fourth fish had eaten the powerbait from both of my rods! Whilst I dozed, the crazy fish bit and swallowed one pair of eggs, swam upstream, and ate the other pair!! You would think that the string dangling from his mouth would've dissuaded him from that second pair, eh? I guess those Gulp eggs ARE powerful! Has this happened to other people? I though it was pretty ridiculous (as I salvaged my precious hook from somewhere around his small intestine).

As I read it, that story isn't quite as dramatic and incredible as it seemed at the time. So I may as well tell you that after that, I saved a bus full of orphans from falling off the Table Rock Dam....WITH MIND BULLETS!!! There. That makes it a little more entertaining.


Nice Tenacious D reference. Great story. Odds of reoccurence - 1 in 64,839,457 times.

That is, unless you are fishing from a bunker.

cheers, Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.

Strangest thing happened to me the other day - Three times now i've gotten up at 2 am, gotten down to the docks by 3:30 (after a soda pick-me-up and two hotdogs at the hwy14/hwy65 QT [side note within a side note - how come QT serves hotdogs at 2:45am, but not breakfast sandwiches?? What kind of crazy fool eats hotdogs at 2:45am?...besides me apparently]) ANYWAY, got down to the dock, had limit of 4 fish and cleaned by 6 or so, and was at the dam early to fly the day away. Good fun, but a long, long day!

T'other day though, my fourth fish had eaten the powerbait from both of my rods! Whilst I dozed, the crazy fish bit and swallowed one pair of eggs, swam upstream, and ate the other pair!! You would think that the string dangling from his mouth would've dissuaded him from that second pair, eh? I guess those Gulp eggs ARE powerful! Has this happened to other people? I though it was pretty ridiculous (as I salvaged my precious hook from somewhere around his small intestine).

As I read it, that story isn't quite as dramatic and incredible as it seemed at the time. So I may as well tell you that after that, I saved a bus full of orphans from falling off the Table Rock Dam....WITH MIND BULLETS!!! There. That makes it a little more entertaining.

Great story.... One time I was fishing a winter trout pond with powerbait (I was keeping what I caught because the water was warming out of the trout's comfort zone, so I wasn't too worried about deep hooking fish). Anyway, I threw out three rods (the maximum allowed where I was fishing), sat down in a lawn chair, fell asleep, and when I woke up had my limit of three trout for the pond I was fishing, one on each rod. While I was fighting the first fish, the fish on my second rod pulled my set up in the water, and I had to dive into 60 degree water to retrieve it, while still fighting another fish.

The moral to the story, don't fall asleep while fishing :lol: :lol: :lol:


got down to the dock, had limit of 4 fish and cleaned by 6 or so, and was at the dam early to fly the day away. Good fun, but a long, long day!

Good story, but are you saying that to continued to trout fish after you kept your limit? Or am I interpreting this wrong.

The only good line is a tight line


Good story, but are you saying that to continued to trout fish after you kept your limit? Or am I interpreting this wrong.

I suspect that this occurs alot at the trout parks, but is hard to prove with out a physical check of the vehicle and camping site. This situation here would be an agents dream come true, Fly Guy has admitted to it. Just go ahead and put some money in an envelope and send it to MDC.


I think he was describing how he caught the 4th fish. That is what I got out of it anyway. "T'other" is throwing me off.

  • Root Admin

We've had this conversation many times... so I'll nip it in the bud.

In Parks, you can't keep fishing after you catch your limit of trout.

In all other waters, you can keep fishing after you catch and keep your limit of trout.

It's been confirmed by MDC, agents and regional enforcement office.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

We've had this conversation many times... so I'll nip it in the bud.

In Parks, you can't keep fishing after you catch your limit of trout.

In all other waters, you can keep fishing after you catch and keep your limit of trout.

It's been confirmed by MDC, agents and regional enforcement office.

I keep forgetting that missouri has other fish than trout. Sorry Fly Guy! You better cancel payment on that check.

I suspect that this occurs alot at the trout parks, but is hard to prove with out a physical check of the vehicle and camping site. This situation here would be an agents dream come true, Fly Guy has admitted to it. Just go ahead and put some money in an envelope and send it to MDC.

You are allowed to fish catch and release for trout after you reach your limit, in all state waters except the trout parks.

Fly guy was perfectly legal here.

We've had this conversation many times... so I'll nip it in the bud.

In Parks, you can't keep fishing after you catch your limit of trout.

In all other waters, you can keep fishing after you catch and keep your limit of trout.

It's been confirmed by MDC, agents and regional enforcement office.

Thanks Phil, I didn’t know that. One can learn something new every day. I believe there is another exception to the limit rule other than trout parks. Seems like I read and update to the Red ribboned trophy trout water below Meramec Spring Park. Once you keep a limit of trout, you can’t catch and release in the Trophy area, even if you are so called fishing for another species. I could be wrong. I’ve been searching for that specific rule and can’t find it.

A tip of the hat and humble apology to Fly Guy for questioning what he was doing, but I’m still glad for posting. Otherwise I wouldn’t have learned something new to me.

The only good line is a tight line

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