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Thanks guys for all the info. I plan on getting out there Friday or Saturday of opening week. The meat on spoonies is good if you get the dark meat and oily layer off. Alot like hybrids. Two of them is enough vac packed fish for a year. I'll post up how we do.

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You boys wanna get on a bunch of spoonies come on down to Warsaw around the 78 MM (The Old Oar House), look for a black and silver Lund with a 150 Rude on the back. I'll show ya where the sows are layin'! And we'll have a few coldin's also! ;) I try to snag everyday of the season anywhere from 50 MM on LOZ clear up to Taberville around Shell Osage on Truman. Me and a few of my buddy's tear them up every year and it just seems that snaggers are a good bunch of old boys to hang around. After all snaggers have stiffer poles!


If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!

You boys wanna get on a bunch of spoonies come on down to Warsaw around the 78 MM (The Old Oar House), look for a black and silver Lund with a 150 Rude on the back. I'll show ya where the sows are layin'!

Hi Duckman. You aint kidding. I have caught a lot of 'blls up there. Even had family that lived just up the road from the Old Oar House years ago. Is the OOH still in business?

I live around Springfirld not so I will probably fish around here especiall if I can find someone with a boat to take me. :o

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

We usually do best up below Walnut Springs just throwing towards the rock banks and jerking back.

Most guys troll but we seem to have better luck casting to the banks. I guess it is how the fish swim along the banks, becuase we have hit alot of them on our first or second jerk many times.

We have nailed a few at the mouth of flat creek snagging around the point and up into flat creek a couple hundred yards also.

Seth - You've got me wondering. I thought I knew the names of most of the places on James above Bridgeport - Flat Creek, Ashercane Bottom, Long Camp, Charlie's Campground, Galena Park, Blunk Hole, Gentry Cave Hole, etc. But I don't know where Walnut Springs is.

Could you tell me, please?

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Gonefishin, yep the Oar House is still humping away although the owners have changed. Our neigbor George, who used to own it, sold it two years ago to a younger dude. He has not changed the business a whole lot mainly he just changed the menu and the crowd! George didn't like the loud crowds in his bar at night but this new dude will let'r rip! You'll have to come down and fish in the Oar Houses Spoony Tourney! Its a good time! My old man and myself have placed in the top five the past couple years missing first place two years ago by only a couple pounds!

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!


That sounds like a blast to me. If everything works out I will come up and give it a shot.

Do you know if anyone is catching anything below the dam? Weather is supposed to be decent Sat so I have been thinking about coming up if there is anything biting.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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Haven't been down below for a while now. Trying to get ready for our annual trout trip down a Lilleys next week. It's sorta a big deal with a whole bunch of us going so it takes some planning and coordinating on meals and course cold'ens! But I'm sure them eyes' are getting ready to start moving up in there in a month or so!

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!


Well the guys that I snag with always call it Walnut Springs. It is up river from Flat Creek a little ways I know that.

The only way I know how to explain it is you there is a little old boat house on the left of the river below walnut springs. You go past that and then the river turns to the right again and there is a lot of stumps and brush in the area.

The easiet way to describe it is when the water is really low, there is a line of trees on the left side of the river if your coming up from flat creek.

I'm not very good at giving directions :(

Duckman....how big is that spooner is your picture?????

Here is one I caught last around 2 or 3 am on opening night. She weighed 74lbs, which is my biggest to date.


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Seth, that ole girl was only around 80 lbs. We've caught and seen many a helluva lot bigger than that where we snag! Nice'en you got there!

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!

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