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The Politics Of Clean Energy, Arkansas Trout Fishing Vs Missouri Hydro-power

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Remember this quote form Ronald Reagan?

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

How about this one from Barack Obama?

"To truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy."

So, in this time of us beholden to foreign despots for our energy, a climate that Gore and Obama say is collapsing around us as I type, and the words "clean" and "green" at the top of the nation's lexicon, how is it that trout fishing in Arkansas is now taking precedent over clean, renewable hydro-electric power for residents of Missouri?

That's the question raised by Wally Kennedy's front page story in Sunday's Joplin Globe.

It seems that Empire District Electric Company is going to be forced to decrease output of hydro-electric power at its Lake Taneycomo dam facility to facilitate increased trout fishing downstream on the White River in Arkansas.

Kennedy does an excellent job of bringing out the details of the cluster but in the end it boils down to one word: Politics.

The economic-political interests of Arkansas (increased tourism revenue from year-round trout fishing) against the economic-political interests of southwest Missouri (decreased hydro-electric energy replaced by more expensive coal/natural gas generation).

Jeff Davis, a member of the Missouri Public Service Commission appears to understand the situation:

“Somebody got to them. I’m not sure who,’’ he said. “They issued a final report and then all of a sudden a proposed addendum comes out of nowhere without any consultation with the regulatory agencies from the affected states. The first we knew about it is when it appeared in the Federal Register.

“This is something the SWPA thought up on their own. We had one shot to compensate Empire and ultimately their customers for losing this electric capacity. The first offer was a little low, but acceptable. The addendum cut it in half, which is not acceptable.’’

There's certainly nothing wrong with the state of Arkansas wanting to increase economic activity on the White River.

But with a new President in the White House and he and his surrogates telling us daily that clean, renewable energy is of utmost national priority, a plan putting polluting human activity above non-polluting renewable electricity generation is a mixed-message at best.

Congressman Roy Blunt's office is now involved, The Globe has brought it to the public's attention, only one question yet remains:

Rhetoric or reality, which shall it be Mr. President?

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How is this a presidential issue? This minimum flow conversation is an old one and Geoff Caldwell of the Examiner should have done enough research to know that. Most columnists don't, though, because their column are self-indulgent, egotistical grandstanding.

Powersite Dam is antiquated and makes up for a small part of Empire's capacity. The Joplin Globe article is much more detailed look at the issue. This decision was put in motion by acts of Congress in 1999, long before Obama came into office.

I'll start warming up the popcorn popper.

You ARE going to pop it over a campfire and not use electricity, right Ronnie? :P

OK... The dams on the White River system (and Tennessee, etc., etc., etc.) were all built for generating electricity first with the added benefit of lakes that would provide recreation and therefore tourism along the system. THEN trout were introduced as ANOTHER added bonus to make up for the loss of native fish in the tail waters.

Now comes the problem of which one has the biggest clout. Tourism dollars or clean energy.

I want both... ;)



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


ya know id think different and probably would change my view if powersite was a PRIMARY power source. Powersite only generates around 2% of the total Empire demand. (as per the joplin globe article)

a 100 year old dam that is a supplemental (2%) power source isnt much a "green" power. Empire uses that 2% to just maximize their profits, they arent concerned about being green. they are concerned about profits dont let Empire fool you into thinking they are green.

How about this.

Get rid of these dams returning the White River to it's bass fishing glory days and replace this power with Nuclear Energy. My 2 cents

I'm with him.

Would Obama mislead the American people??? Surely not.

Seriously, please no politics. I have a feeling my opinions differ from most of you on this forum, but I just don't feel like arguing about it. Seriously. We have plenty of political forums, this needn't be one. If this sort of political debate becomes regular, I won't be back. The rule is clearly stated. NO POLITICAL POSTS.

Lilley, I rarely disagree with you as a moderator. But these are your own rules. Let's not bring presidential politics into this forum.


We talk politics when we debate about a law or regulation from MDC - a government entity. I'm all for debating policy, as it pertains to fishing. I'm not for smearing politicians like Barack. It's productive to debate policy without getting involved in personal attacks on the people who create the policy. We have the power of the vote to change the people who make the policy.

The state and local govts like the tourism dollars. The federal govt likes the clean energy. State/Local interests vs. Federal. It was intended that State interests would win out when our country was founded. This is now not the case.

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