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Agreed. This thread ain't going anywhere good, I can promise that.

No political posts are allowed, and this topic is most certainly political. I believe it should go.

topic is in regards to the potential freedoms associated with fisihng in the USA

So why does the president of Shiamano think this not good?

Afterall if this was such a great deal for fishing you would think he would be elated to sell more stuff but he's not. Probably a right winger right?

Well thats a good question that nobody here seems to answer

  • Root Admin

Thanks for posting. Al - good thoughts. Chief - thanks, I see your heart in what you say. Red Bird Fan - I understand your passion and frustration with the current state of the union but in this medium none of us are going to convince one another to change our views politically.

I suggest if you want to try, start a blog, do as Chief suggested and not make it an echo of the talking heads (lib of cons), do the research and make your points there, then post your blog on your signature and direct people there for discussion.

I wish I had the time and energy to do that myself but at this point I don't think I'm called to do that.

I'll close this topic and continue to monitor new topics. Just know - I HATE to delete topics. My nature is to always give people the benefit of the doubt... to do the right thing. That's why I have given these topics a chance- to a fault.

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