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  • Root Admin

Brian Shaffer summons me to outlet #3 this morning to show me the big brown he's been watching for the past day.

It's easily over 30 pounds - big female.

Brian just called me and said there's a small brown now with the big brown and another rainbow that would go 10 pounds. Lots of fish gathered in the outlets right now, understandable.

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hope you had a glove on! cool video Phil and I saw the brown on that video

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.


I hope she gets up the ladder before someone trys to sneak out at night. The hatchery ought to put a cam on that area.

The only good line is a tight line


That was definetely a nice one! Wow!

  • Root Admin

There are two big browns in the video - one that turns and you can hear it move the gravel when it does and then the big one that slowly move into the frame and past.

The water here is deep. The only way someone could catch any of these big fish is to snag them but even then it would be difficult. They are spooky- would run from a light. Didn't like my little camera at all.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


After viewing the videos several times, I have determined that it is an Asian Carp.


I saw this fish last week, it was sitting out on the flat in front of outlet 3. They had 2 units on and there were sevearl 20-22 inch fish sitting there. Then a fish with big pec fins and a white mouth moved up. I esitimate the fish to be around 24-25 pounds. All fish look bigger in the water due to the angle of refraction of light through the water. I have seen a lot of big fish and I also have the current state record Brown Trout on my wall it was 38.5 inches long and had a girth of 23 inches and it weighed 27.10 . I wonder if the MDC could measure this fish and let's us know I think it would be interesting to know what it weighed and measured. It is a great fish either way

To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!

  • Root Admin

I don't want to start anything here guys but how can you distinguish one fish from another. There is a remote chance they are but...

We always get in trouble guessing size and weight of fish - in someone's hand, in the water... wherever.

I'll just say from now on... it's a big fish. No lengths, no girths, no weights. And leave it at that.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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