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My wife and I went to Blue Ridge, GA to Bill Oyster's Bamboo Flyrod class. We started with a huge chunk of Tonkin cane.


We did hundreds of steps including flaming it to color and temper it, splitting the cane, straitening the split pieces.


Beveling them, planing, sanding, tempering in an oven, tapering, glueing...


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I crowned the ferrules on mines...


More sanding and polishing, wrapping on the guides...



Glueing on and forming the cork grip.


Varnishing and finally fishing!



You seem to have esthetically similar tastes as myself from what I can see. Thanks for the write up and photos. What a neat way that would be to spend a vacation. Good fishing near by?

Jon Joy


"A jerk at one end of the line is enough." unknown author

The Second Amendment was written for hunting tyrants not ducks.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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There is some excellent fishing near by but we had to leave early because we were in a wedding. The oysters normaly let anyone taking the class stay free that weekend to fish with your new rod. There are a lot of public and private sections of the river. There is a really nice Fly Shop/Guide Service there that can put you on some HUGE fish in private sections of the river.


Nice job...building a boo rod is quite an accomplishment...What taper did you build, and how do you like it?

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I started out making a 7 1/2' 5 wt. Just before i glued the strips together I broke 2 of the tip strips. I could have fixed it and hid it under the guide and no one would ever have been able to tell but i decided to go with the mistake and make a 6 foot 3 wt. It was an awesome decision. I love it. I can fish all day and cast anywhere I want to cast in Roaring River.

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