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I will be heading down over Thanksgiving weekend to do some fishing, but I just read an article about 10,000 gallons of sewage that spilled into Fall Creek. Are there any local reports on the contaminants that have entered Tanney, and are there any estimates on when this problem will be resolved? We do most of our fishing below Fall Creek, but I don't think I need any E.coli for Thanksgiving. Thanks in advance for any info.


Not sure. It was raw sewage that was released (in lieu of spilled) into Fall Creek do a power issue at a lift station. The fishing was really good on saturday then on Sunday the fishing was horrible. As much water that is being released right now that waste is probably in Gulf of Mexico now.

  • Root Admin

Where did you read it? Would love to see a link to the story. Didn't hear about it.

Actually, depending on when and where it was spilled, it may not even enter Taney until it rains again. Fall Creek only runs after a rain. Very little creeps down when it's dry and it hasn't rained in, what, 2 weeks?

I wouldn't worry too much about it BUT if you're concerned at all, then catch and release. Buy Tilapia at the Jubilee.

I smoked 4 rainbows a couple of days ago and didn't suffer any affects.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Phil, I had saw it on the news also.

DNR investigating sewage spill in Branson

By Mindy Honey

Society Editor

Originally published Nov. 10, 2009

An electrical outage is to blame for more than 10,000 gallons of untreated waste spilling into a tributary of Fall Creek last week, city of Branson officials have reported.

Late Wednesday, a lift station pump failed near Missouri 165. The alarm that would have signaled the failure did not go off due to a breaker being flipped. The failed pump was not found until a routine check was made, according to Larry VanGilder, Branson public works director.

“As long as we are working with mechanical and electrical (equipment), things are going to fail from time to time,” VanGilder said.

The sewage bypass lasted 15 minutes and released an estimated 10,000-12,000 gallons of untreated water. According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the wastewater made its way to Fall Creek. The city staff began drawing samples from the creek last week and was set to draw again on Monday.

Initial tests did show elevated fecal count levels at the spill site.

The fish are not in danger though, Mike Ray, interim utilities director, reported.

“Further testing will show how much affect this has had on the overall stream,” VanGilder said.

Fall Creek drains into Lake Taneycomo.

The release of untreated sewage from sewer systems represents a potential threat to public health and the environment. Because of the spill, residents are encouraged to avoid contact with the water in Fall Creek until further notice.

The incident is something city officials do not want to see repeated.

“We are putting in additional safeguards,” VanGilder said.

Dennis Boothe

Joplin Mo.

For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing

in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~ Winston Churchill ~

Not sure. It was raw sewage that was released (in lieu of spilled) into Fall Creek do a power issue at a lift station. The fishing was really good on saturday then on Sunday the fishing was horrible. As much water that is being released right now that waste is probably in Gulf of Mexico now.

I think its going to be stored in Bull Shoals for a while unfortunately.


That couldn't be any worse than the hatchery dumping all of its waste into outlet 1 which they do from time to time.

I was down just last month and it happened. The water turned nearly black and stunk to high heaven. I waded out of the stream as soon as I could but still had my waders covered with the stench. It flowed for several minutes and must have been loaded with rotted fish execretment, mash/feed that was soured and who knows what else. I wonder why there is not a filtering system for that since no other industry is allowed to flush holding tanks or waste matter into any stream?

Anyone had this happen to them.


Thom Harvengt

  • Root Admin

Back when I first came in '83, local anglers and dock owners were complaining on the rapid decline of freshwater shrimp - that was the cause of the lack of growth of rainbows, growth Taney had experienced in the 60's and thru the 70's.

Some thought it was connected to the fact that the hatchery QUIT dumping fish matter from the raceways when cleaned. EPA came in and made them stop the practice. I don't know but it sounds like the hatchery is back to this practice, since when I don't know.

I don't think you're gonna find anyone who will say for sure that this practice is good for fish, for shrimp. It may be. But I don't think it hurts that much, especially when there's this much generation.

I'm not going to ask them to stop... nor am I going to mention it to the EPA or the DNR.

Besides, our Zebra Muscles will clean up the lake.

Go shrimp!!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Thom - if I were you.. I wouldnt have been running away - I would have been racing to be fishing in all that raceway refuge. That dirty water and smell brings em running! Lots of them....


Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.

Thom - if I were you.. I wouldnt have been running away - I would have been racing to be fishing in all that raceway refuge. That dirty water and smell brings em running! Lots of them....


I still fished the area but wow did it stink and the fishing did pick up during the dumping. I really couldnt care less if they flush the hatchery pools as long as it doesnt damage the habitat. 'This was before all of the heavy flows that we are getting now around the first part of October.

Phil I do remember back in the 80's when any limbs or weeds were pulled up and shaken that numerous shrimp would fall off of them. Lots more than now and the fishing was most always effective with any small shrimp imitation. My two boys and I would float what was then called the clay banks to just in front of Lazy valley and have doubes and triples most all of the way.

Those were the days. There were not a many warm bodies on the water then however and lots less pressure.

Thom Harvengt

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