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Over the last couple of years, I have heard countless number of times, Pomme is going to have a lot of keeper sized fish with all these 12 inchers we have. It will just take about a year or 2. Well I am still catching a lot of 12 inchers. Was just wondering if these fish are stunted at all. Anyone else Agree?


I asked a conservation agent the same question earlier in the year and this was the reply I got.

Iā€™m glad to hear you were able to catch a lot of bass last year. What you experienced, is similar to what other bass anglers reported last year. First, let me tell you that I do not believe the bass population on Pomme de Terre (PDT) is stunted.

Like any large reservoir, fish population densities vary from year to year. Fish population density can be strongly related to spawning success and recruitment of these young fish into the population. I believe what we are seeing at PDT is related to a few consecutive years (2007 ā€“ 2009) of sustained high lake levels during spawning season that resulted in very successful spawning and recruitment of largemouth bass. Consequently, what this means for the population is that a large number of individuals in the population are young (small) fish.

I do expect to see these fish grow over the next couple of years and provide some outstanding bass fishing on the lake. Largemouth bass on PDT grow about two inches per year (at the size class you were catching last year). So, I would expect those fish you were catching at 10 ā€“ 13 inches last year, to be 12 ā€“ 15 inches this year. See average age/growth information for PDT largemouth bass below:

Age 1 = 6.0 inches

Age 2 = 11.0 inches

Age 3 = 13.0 inches

Age 4 = 15.0 inches

Age 5 = 16.5 inches

Age 6 = 18.5 inches

Age 7 = 19.5 inches

PDT lake does also have smallmouth bass. However, they make up a very small proportion of total black bass population. Higher numbers of smallmouth bass can be found in the very upper ends of the lake where the Pomme de Terre river and Lindley creek enter the lake.

I hope this information has provided answers to your questions.

Good luck and good fishing.


I've always felt the same about both bass and crappie on Pomme. Every time I go I think, "Man the fishing is going to be great next year!" Been saying that for five years now and I'm still catching a lot of the same size fish. Oh well, it's is a blast!


Have your visited Limitville lately?


I agree its a blast to catch a lot of fish, but as I always say I wish the lake would throw me a bone every now and again. It does from time to time, but they are few and far between. I fish at least every other weekend and I doubt I have 6 fish over 3 lbs this year. My buddy had a 6.4 and I had a 5.3 this spring, but I would think between the two of us we should get at least five fifteen inch fish a weekend... There is the bonus muskie every now and then that keeps it interesting. Again, I agree it is a blast and I love the lake.


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