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We were going to go to the pool the other day and decided to wade fishing instead.My buddy and I decided to hit a creek that flows into the Mississppi, it was a good choice. We did pretty well between the two of us we caught 21 smallies, 5 largemouth, 4 goggleye and one walleye??? I think... I attached some pics, we had a double header so I made my buddy do the poacher pose.We were using an 8 inch pork pin by V&M, basicly a trick worm, texas rigged with a brass bullet. All in all it was a good trip and way better than going to the pool ::Get out and hit the creeks:: picture1034.jpgpicture1032.jpgpicture1035g.jpgpicture1033z.jpg ::Creak Freak lives on::biggrin.gif


and one walleye??? I think...

The thumbnails in the post are bigger than the pictures. It does certainly look like a walleye though with that white tip on the lower tail fin.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


Yeah, walleye move up into all the Mississippi tribs to spawn in early spring, and a few of the young hang around in them for a year or more. In years where there is high water on the Mississippi at the right time and the creeks aren't high, all the walleye come up to the first riffle above the Mississippi backwater and do their spawning, and then there are a big bunch of little walleye in that vicinity up into the summer. I've fished those spots in June for smallmouth and caught one 4-6 inch walleye after another...apparently hungry little devils. That one in the picture looks like it's at least a year or two old, though. If that's the creek I think it is, you're pretty far above the usual limit of Mississippi backwater, and not exactly in what I'd call year-round walleye habitat. Interesting catch.

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