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Unlike a lot of you, I, abit long in the tooth can remember when Table Rock Lake turned into a Smallmouth Pond. It really got good and going in the 70's, building to what it is today. You know, the Jaw's today are exactly where they were from the beginning. The Dam Area. Yes, they have expanded nicely, my biggest Jaw, over 6 pounds, came from a flat gravel point across from Big M. But, if you want to catch the Jaw of a lifetime, the LongCreek Bridge to Point 9 are the best bet.

AS I set here this morning I am a bit perplexed, watching the MDC barge dump loads of debris on one of the best flat gravel Smallmouth banks on Table Rock Lake.

This Fall, they have started targeting some of the best flat gravel and stairstep Smallmouth Banks we have. These locations were holding Jaws, and they have from the beginning. Why? Because the fish liked "EXACTLY WHAT WAS THERE TO BEGIN WITH."

There are locations all over Table Rock exactly like the ones that MDC are trying to artifically create that do not hold Smallmouth. There are areas in the dam area exactly like they are trying to create that do not hold SM. Why are they recreating non-holding locations on populated holding areas?

Our SM are somewhat transiant, but one factor is always in common for the most part. They just love open flat gravel.

From Kimberling City thru LongCreek, the wind blown flat gravel points and flats hold SM. Move your boat in the more snarled up stuff and you will catch more LM and K's.

Why are they trying to fix a fishery that is not broken?

On another note, how do you fish these Debris Fields? A jig is impossible, tried some the other day, even bending my hook flat and was caught up constantly. Rig, is a no go, cannot pull a hook free carolina rig thru the bottom debris. Tried a texas rigged worm with a hook bent completely down and the weight no matter how small I used was always caught. Also tried a tube, and that was a no go.

Maybe a deep cranker, a topwater of a jerkbait.

From the beginning of the SM era on the rock, we have targeted them by swimming a grub, or dragging something from shallow to deep. Usually from 5 ft. to 40 ft. Now, that is not possible because of all the debris.

Don't know if we will have an answer to this in my lifetime, but for now a lot of us are really very sorry to see these traditional SM holding banks destroyed.

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Bill, by debris do you mean they're dumping rocks and concrete, or is it brush?

If they're building crappie brushpiles, I'd think the smallmouths would still be in the areas outside the brushpiles. They might even benefit from an extra food source as the brush would attract more small perch and crappie.

Still, if it's a good smallie bank they ought to put the brush somewhere else. Crappie brushpiles can go most anywhere, but there's no use messing up a good bass bank by making it hard to drag a lure through.


Here is my question. Reguardless of what the debris is, Why?

Why recreate an enviornment that already exists that is not holding fish, on a location that holds high volumes of fish?

I understood this project to be to congerate larger numbers of fish on singular locations. If you already have extreme high numbers of fish on said location, that are very easy accessable, what are you gaining by adding a debris field to the location?

You have completely altered an existing locations that mother nature had created that the fish have gravitated to, away from the very same location you are trying to create.

Guys, this is just my thoughts. I realize that MDC, will not post here and I have not spoken to them about the success they have had thus far on this project. I have no problem with the work they are doing in the areas of the lake to congreate crappie or LM bass, but on traditional SM banks, that are holding large volumes of the SM on this lake, I am not on board.

IF the SM wanted that type of structure it is already available. They don't. They are living where they are for a reason, why mess with it?


Bill, I am with you to a point. Dont like the idea of them messing with something that is working. My thoughts are that to bring more tourneys that bring the money to the area, maybe they are trying to help out the Largey population. More structure helps the largemouths correct? And most of the high end tournements target the largemouth.

In the same thought, why mess with smallie habitat? Most of them should know where to add structure to help reinforce the largemouth population (and it is not on the open flats).

Just a wondering thought, what do you guys think?

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Let me know if I'm wrong or right, but smallmouth prefer the open flats (at certain times of the year) because there's current... right? If so, I'd hate to see structures placed that displaces them also. They were THE fish before the dams. I'm thinking TR already is a world class largemouth fishery, for our part of the country anyway, and for anyone who knows the Rock and how to fish for them. If I'm not wrong, spots have thrived since the dam was put in. Plus, they were native in the first place too. Heck... that's what I catch mostly. IMHO... keep flowing water available for the smallmouth. Drop debris up the James or the Kings for more crappie (my prefernce) or more largemouth where I would think most of the tourney guys head. MDC should leave the White River and Longs Creek alone.


KC... ;)




I can't speak on behalf of the dept but I think they are sinking stucture on behalf of the fish and not the fishermen. Regardless if you can get a jig through it or not, its probably not their concern. Creating fish habitat is probably their top priority. I have spoke with the guys and I know for a fact that Smallmouth, along with LM and Spots are all utilizing the habitat that they are placing.

It makes sense to me that the habit they are restoring is making up for the hardowoods and cedars that are slowing going away. The year class of 08 for LM bass has reached nearly the 14" mark and this habitat will be a good thing in the future. I would assume that adding structure would only help a fishery and not hurt it so why should we complain.



I can't speak on behalf of the dept but I think they are sinking stucture on behalf of the fish and not the fishermen. Regardless if you can get a jig through it or not, its probably not their concern. Creating fish habitat is probably their top priority. I have spoke with the guys and I know for a fact that Smallmouth, along with LM and Spots are all utilizing the habitat that they are placing.

It makes sense to me that the habit they are restoring is making up for the hardowoods and cedars that are slowing going away. The year class of 08 for LM bass has reached nearly the 14" mark and this habitat will be a good thing in the future. I would assume that adding structure would only help a fishery and not hurt it so why should we complain.

NOT!!! You can't speak for the department but you have spoke with the guys and you know for a FACT? C'mon Jeremy...



Look, I enjoyed and still enjoy fishing TR. Always been tough for me coming from KC. Been fishing it for twenty years and will still continue even though the family has moved from the Knob to Cassville. Just to let you know, I've enjoyed fishing the flats on the White where we were located. Lots of Spots, big Green Perch for fish chowder, some nice smallies, flatheads, channels, a blue or two. That's about it. Crappies were found up the Kings from our place. Very few in Hardman Hollow, but we'd get'em from time to time. Just rarely. TR is gettin' busy without sayin'. Just sayin' the MDC should let smallmouth habitat remain. The lake's getting busier, older, and it'd deep and clear. Dale Hollow anyone?


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I agree with most of what BB is saying, one part that has not been brought up is the cost. Hill and Hill are the ones hauling the stumps rocks ect, right now they are getting these stumps from a hillside where they are removing timber at the edge of the National Forest just west of Cape Fair. I thank them for the effort they have put into this but, come on they have coverd up some very good spots and now have a pile of my DD 22s and I getting less and less bites on these spots. I agree enough is enough lets put some money into ramps


NOT!!! You can't speak for the department but you have spoke with the guys and you know for a FACT? C'mon Jeremy...

What did the MDC say when you spoke with them KC? Given the career path Jeremy has chosen, I'd say he has some good insight as to what goes on around the lake.

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