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Finally, Hendrix Outdoors has put up their website.

Click here

Tell me what you think....



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


Front page is nice and clean, easy to navigate. So are the secondary pages. Once I got into the individual pages like accessories, it go a little tougher to figure out which text box belonged to which picture. It would be nice to have a return to home page button. Just suggestions. Other than that, looks good. I hope the site brings lots of business your way.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



I agree with DD - the individual pages feel awkward and clumsy. I do like the angle you all are after though, it would be nice to see some different than the typical thumbnail with text directly below. I think it would work well if some space was added in between from one product and description to another, or possibly putting a box around the image and description both? The boxed in option may be just as clumsy in itself. I would also personally like to see some additional pricing listed on the accessories page. There are a few items I have some interest in but I am in the "If you gotta ask its too much" camp. Also people shop online to avoid having to ask questions like cost and to save time.

I hope you take this as helping constructive criticism - I like the site overall and it looks great for a first public launch!

I have spent most of my money on fly fishing and beer. The rest I just wasted.


The latest Trout Commander blog post: Niangua River Six Pack


Making some headway there, Terry!

Just a leetle bit more constructive criticism -- kinda in the same vein of Bassfly: get a real e-mail address as quick as you can, and I'd agree about the free website. Both of these upgrades would be fairly inexpensive and easy to implement, and add some credibility and a sense of permanence to the company -- and validity to warranties. I'd consider them a must for any website that's selling directly over the web -- which I know you're not doing at this point.

Best of luck with this! The product line looks pretty extensive, and from what I've seen it's good looking stuff too.



Yep, I noticed the free godaddy website hosting myself. I'll pass your suggestions along to the folks at Hendrix. This is a family owned and operated business, pretty small compared to some others, so this is a first pass if you will. They will like the feedback to make improvements.



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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