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Oh I like looking at the photos and it was a good report, however, Green fish don't peak my interest either. Bull Shoals= BIG walleyes. But you should keep contributing as there are guys that fish Bull Shoals for bass and appreciate it.


Nice fish. Never fished Bull Shoals. Would like to Someday. Too long a drive past too much other water for me.

Shameless post pad.


Cajun, geez, we're just yanking yer chain a little. This site has had well over 100,000 posts, but probably has had views in the tens of millions. It's the way it is.

Only a certain percentage of people who read forum posts are going to respond. Only a certain percentage of fishermen share your interest. Only a certain percentage of those will have something they wish to announce to the world.

There are thousands of lurkers who have never posted once. Ask yourself: if you don't do well out there, do you post a report? I usually don't, and I suspect I'm part of a vast majority in that regard.

Entertainment takes many forms, my friend. I don't think this is about closed-mouth selfishness at all. By the way, good job out there.


Dang, Cajun ... you sure seem to get your unmentionables in a knot over little bit of nuthin. Yeah, I lurked your post. No, I have nothing to contribute because I haven't been to Bull since last May and won't be back over there for a couple more months. Just so happens that fish up and down this White River chain behave a lot alike, so knowing what's going on at Bull helps me decide what to try on TR or Beaver. Have a Coke and a smile.



I guess its okay for some to make wise cracks but when they come back your being offensive. :huh1: Trust me, absolutely nothing serious about my "negative" comments. Just a little ribbing that I assumed was okay since powerdrive sort of started it. I am a little surprised since powerdrive indicated he doesn't like fishing for green fish that he even re-visited the post to make any kind of rebuttle. Of course, powerdrive, if you visit again I like fishing for other fish as well so feel free to add post on when and what any fish are biting on. You didn't say exactly what you do like but if its walleye I like catching them too.

The written word is harder to show sarcasm than when it is spoken but try and not take anything I write too seriuosly!!! :P


Glad to see your report. I've checked it 4 times and am glad you typed it out instead of speaking it as we wouldn't have understood what the heck was coming from your Cajun mouth! Just kidding, thanks for the report.

A friend and I went Sunday out of Tucker. Threw stickbaits all day. 15 or so bass no keeps. 5 walley 2 keeps. Threw a gitzit for about 5 minutes and boated an 8 lb plus drum on spinning tackle/8lb test. Helluva good fight. Warmer water (45) back in Bear creek, fished it last part of afternoon with no biters in there, but plenty of boats.

Keep your reports coming, but understand most of us read posts all over the forum just for entertainment and have nothing to say or contribute. (nothing nice anyways).



CA, stay away from my walleye, y'hear? And start keeping those green fish--there's way too many of 'em in these lakes! :)

All in good fun. You've been here long enough to know how it all works, so obviously you were being unseriously sarcastic. Or sarcastically unserious. Anyway, good luck out there--and I'll be sure to post up if ever Fortune decides to smile upon me.


Nice report Cajun! Bull is a great lake and one of the best winter lakes around. I haven't been down there in a couple weeks but am heading down for a all day adventure tomorrow and hopefully some are still biting.


Tfsh4bass, good to see your still chunkin and winding. Still a little early for true early spring fishing but its coming soon. Shoot me a PM if you want to load up together and head that way this spring. Warmer weather is coming soon!

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