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Hi Mark,

I was not terrifically successful my first time through the 11 Point, but with experience it has grown into my favorite.

You are getting some good advice on lures and ideas, so I'll try another perspective.

Recommendation: Hire a guide if you can afford it or find a buddy who has a feel for this river - pleny of opportunity on this blog. Because of the volume of water, depth, and speed, there are factors here that are significantly different than most other rivers or creeks in the state. Exactly where to find the fish, which direction to cast when the current is strong, how much weight and where to place it, time of year, etc. When I am not having success, I begin to doubt everything - but a buddy can suggest the small adjustments that might lead to payback. Its all about building confidence in your decisions, then branching out to see what else works for you.

My go-to lures in the summer:

(1) Spinner (Blue Fox or RoosterTail, 1/4 oz to 3/8 oz) drug cross-current slow enough to stay deep (trout seem to like a faster retreive, smallmouth like the start and stop slower retrieve).

(2) Crawfish (Rebel Craw, big bill for deep diving)

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