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We had pretty good luck this weekend around the mid-lake area. My 6 yr old and I had came close to a limit on Saturday. It took us a while to figure them out. Started our fishing tube jigs with spinners out a little deeper with very few bites. Later in the morning we saw a guy cleaning fish on his dock and he mentioned that were in about 5-8 feet of water and biting real soft. We switched to Slab Busters jigs (chart/white) under a bobber about 18 inches and starting picking them up in and around docks with brush. It was a great day on Saturday with little wind so it was real nice fishing with my little boy since he needed help from time-to-time. Today we just fished our cove and with a little help from my son's twin sister and my neighbor we wound up with 25 or so - not bad for the first time out.


Bless you for having the patience and taking the time to take your boy fishing. Even at 50 now, I can't express how grateful I am that my dad did the same. He could've gone fishin with his buddies, and occasionally he did. But for the most part, from the time I was old enough to tag along, I was his favorite fishing buddy. It led to a lifetime love of the sport.


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